
  1. bzcomputers

    Bug Issue with Forum URL Rewrites with apostrophes in title

    It appears that apostrophes / single closing quotes in Forum Thread titles are being rewritten as "a". Examples Title: Carnival Introduces New Marine-Themed ‘Camp Ocean’ Children’s Program URL: carnival-introduces-new-marine-themed-camp-oceana-childrena-s-program Title: Carnival Introduces...
  2. bzcomputers

    Question CDN Integration Options?

    Could you post a screenshot or explain the CDN options currently available in the Pro version? Will the "custom CDN" option mentioned on the product page allow for compatibility with any CDN?
  3. Q

    Question Option Manage Keywords

    Hello Filip: a question. In the "Manage Keywords" what do you advice? is helpful to enter keywords? And if so, what kind of keywords? General ones regarding the main topic of the forum and already included in the general settings of Vbulletin?
  4. iraqiboy90

    Bug Post content refreshes on clicks

    Hello This "bug" is specially annoying when watching a youtube video linked in the post. When clicking the like/thank button, the post seem to refresh, causing the youtube player to stop&rewind. This thing has been always there, but since I now bought it, it seems more appropriate to report...
  5. I

    Question External links tracking redirect-to?

    Recent install of DBSEO. Under dbseo cp -> SEO Settings -> Google Analytics Settings we have Google analytics enabled and settings are configured to track external links, with External Link Clicks Format as /forums/outgoing/ ... however, on the forum, the external links are formatted as...
  6. N

    Legacy AdSense Tags and Remove White-Spaces

    Hello, vBSEO has a Feature for the Adsense Start and End Tags of the Relevant Content. <!-- google_ad_section_start --> HERE IS THE CONTENT <!-- google_ad_section_end --> And also vBSEO has a Feature to remove White-Spaces into the HTML Output. Please add these functions. Thank you!
  7. R

    Question importing the likes from thumbs up mod?

    Sir, I have installed your mod and wanted to request you to let me know how do I import the likes from Thumbs Up mod here: [AJAX] Thumbs Up? - vBulletin.org Forum I had earlier VBSEO likes, and had migrated the likes of vbseo to Thumbs up mod. Now I have un-installed the VBSEO and have only...
  8. N

    Bug Priority Sort of Meta Keywords

    Hello, the new Function Priority Sort of the Keywords does not work. Title of our Test Thread: Sammelthread: aktuelle Lidl/Aldi Angebote --- Hinweise / Fragen / Diskussionen Content of our Test Thread: Ich möchte hier mal ein ganz besonderen Thread eröffnen, in dem man sich immer über neue...
  9. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Automatic Tagger From Message Content and Title

    Please can you add option will automatically add tags according to message content, title and existing tags in forum. It will also automatically add new tags to old messages. Features: 1.Automatically adds tags to new posts/threads according to content, title and already existing tags in...
  10. M

    Bug Many Link Problems

    Hi i have any Problems with Links in Threads/Posts. 1. If i clicked an Link in an Post that go to another Thread in the Forum, it´s open in a new Browserwindow. 2. if i copy a link from the CMS in an Forumthread, they CMS Post Titel will not displayed, only complet Url. if i copy Forum links...
  11. D

    Question Archive options

    Hi, I have purchased DBSEO today in order to migrate from VBSEO. I did the migration right now in my production environment and it seems to be OK. BUT I have seen that my archives thread links are not rewritten the same way than when browsing normaly. My fear is to have duplicate content due...
  12. Nirjonadda

    Bug Used Verify Email

    When i put Used Email for Verify, Its show me email address is verified but does not show The email address you entered is already in use. Than on registration page member can use another email address for Register without email address verification.
  13. Nirjonadda

    Bug Page load problem

    Sometime page does not load fully or correctly , code show and page broken, I think this issue come with config.php modification for XCache? Please check the ScreenShot, I Hope You Will Understand Me.
  14. K

    Bug Permission denied error when uploading new game

    i get this eror when i want to upload games import - temp - media is 777 but i already import some games 2 weeks ago Warning: file_put_contents(..../dbtech/vbarcade/import/temp/game_battlefield2Th/battlefield2Th.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in...
  15. webi

    Bug Out of Memory Problem

    I have a small forum the problem if there is a link with 403 Forbidden begins, which comes it to the error listed below. There are repeatedly posted files with this URL there. Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 61865984) (tried to allocate 47960101 bytes) in...
  16. P

    Legacy Remove Background

    Would it be possible to have the grey background removed from the button in an updated version? See image attached. Thanks!
  17. Eden

    Hello from France

    Hello everyone, I've decided to register and buy some of the great Mods proposed by Dragonbyte-tech. Since I've bought a vBulletin licence, I was always hoping to gather enough money and buy some of the DB products (I purchased today and yesterday). There are still some other products I'm...
  18. C

    Question Live Wall Stopped Updating

    A couple days ago I noticed the livewall forum block stopped updating. Even on a new page load it still is showing data that's several hours behind. Only after a refresh, will it show the latest information....and often on the next page visit, it reverts. The only thing I think that has...
  19. ringnews24

    Question Forum Tags

    Not sure if this has anything to do with DB SEO but here goes I have 1000 + tags in Google webmaster with 301 error codes Example of a link: http://www.ringnews24.com/boxingforum/tags/british%20boxing/index6.html?tag=british%20boxing&page=6 There was a problem with active content or...
  20. ringnews24

    Bug Site Map Error

    /boxingforum/dbseositemap.php Empty Sitemap Your Sitemap does not contain any URLs. Please validate and resubmit your Sitemap. I am getting that error from Google webmaster.