
  1. aaronchem

    Question Thanks Like Lite button not showing

    I just installed thanks/like system on brand new VB4.2.2 If I switch display mode as "compact", buttons show up but do not do anything when click on them If switch to "full" and "no header", nothing happens. no buttons appear. Cab you help me with that?
  2. racersimage

    Bug Unable to use PhotoPost vBGallery with DBSEO enabled.

    Hi again, I just installed PhotoPosts vBGallery and when attempting to upload photos and create new categories, upon clicking submit, I get sent to my homepage which is my default 301 redirect. That program is installed in a separate folder above the forum root but integrates into the database...
  3. H

    Question Tabs like example within post.

    Basically I want to achieve this with the forum tabs: VW T4 Forum - VW T5 Forum Is this possible, if so how, I dont mind upgrading to pro if this is achievable I want it exact same apart from different colour of blue.
  4. BigDadie

    Bug double posts

    I set the refresh rate to 5 seconds as suggested in this thread ( http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f108/double-post-5165/ ) but I'm still getting random double posts from all user groups.
  5. T

    Bug Replace URL with Titletag still now work after upgrading to rc3

    Hi The auto url replacement with title tags still do not works on RC3 . even with our internal links . the problem now ,is the old threads with many urls : some urls are even not clickable and are just text . Tryied also to post a signle link on a post and the featuer not work .
  6. V

    Bug Thread admin gets no permission error

    Hello. I'm adding an admin to thread ("Registered" usegroup user) with all permissions. But the user gets "No permission error" while trying to edit/manage thread he was added to. Need help. Thanks, in advance.
  7. R

    Question How do i get the links back under the forum menu?

    Hi i wonder if you can help. I seem to have an issue with links under the main menu, If i turn the mod off, i see the links under the forum tab, and when clicking on the forum tab it highlights. However when the NavTab mod is turned on I get this. I've tried creating a test tab, and putting...
  8. H

    Question Vbanswer don't work

    why don't show form for asking?
  9. R

    Question Rewrite rules for DBGallery

    Hi, I've recently downloaded the Lite version of the Gallery at the moment. If all works well I'll go for the full one. Anyway, just wondered if there were some rewrite rules somewhere to generate some nice pages names for this mod. I've search both this forum and the DBGallery forum but no luck...
  10. bzcomputers

    Legacy Ability to add custom ad locations

    It would be nice to be able to integrate custom locations into this mod. I see these settings be required: 1) Set location name / description 2) Upload location screenshot 3) Get code into custom location. All but 3 is pretty easy :) I personally use the Rotating Banner System mod without...
  11. C

    Bug some forums work and others do not

    OK so most forums work like- Product Announcements & Manufacturer News but other do not work- http://www.welderzone.com/forums/hobart/4271-hobart-gw-222-restoration-finished-video.html why?
  12. C

    Bug Card Cash balance that disapear

    Mainly we run a big VB site with at least 15,000 active users over a 3 month period but we have many more members. The issue does not occur often if we look at total transactions done in a month. I would say since we installed in September 2013 VB 2.2.1, this is when the bug started, the balance...
  13. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug Item not purchased email bug

    One of my test listings ended today and I got exactly 100 PMs telling me it didn't get purchased. Not sure if it was a one time thing or if it will happen again, but for now I disabled just in case. I had to laugh, it was quite funny. My tapatalk went nuts with PM message notifications...
  14. M

    Bug Not displayed in postbit

    After upgrading from 1.0.5 - not displayed in postbit. After removal of the 1.0.5 and a new installation 1.1.0 - not displayed in postbit. re-activate Postbit Tabs and edit/save - not displayed in postbit.
  15. T

    attachment rewrite problem !

    Hi Im getting wrong urls for attachments . so it change the format of attachment. so for exp : domain.com/attachment-test_6-1-5-2-zip and it should be attachment-test_6-1-5-2.zip so all for formats Im getting -name-rar instead of -name.rar please what to do ?
  16. X

    Bug Cannot Import [DBTech] Forumon RPG AddOn - Quadripeds

    Hi, I tried to import in the forumon import panel the XML file for the add-on but it does not let me. Please tell me if any plugin might interfear with this one or what does it take for it to work ? I get this error at firefox : Content Encoding Error The page you are trying to view cannot...
  17. C

    Bug CMS slider widget script conflict

    I've got an instance of the slider on my forum home which works perfectly along with the parallax javascript (a custom add-in) that I run. However on the CMS page, one or the other slider/parallax fails. I think the only time the parallax script works is when it is using a cached version...and...
  18. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Registration Timer

    Fillip H. I know you and Cosmic have internal policies with regards to mod updating and feature additions but I am asking, no, I am pleading that you add this feature STAT if it is possible and easy. For the last month I am having approximately 30 registrations per day from spam bots. Most of...
  19. Bullmama DeLano

    Legacy Choosing End Date for Auctions

    I really REALLY need to be able to enter an end date for auctions. We do our rescue auctions for only one week every couple of months, with them ending at the same time. We like to create the auctions as we get the items donated. Having them listed as we get them makes it easy to see our...
  20. R

    Question Nav bar issue?

    I added the twitch.php Url for the tab. I added the permissions for each group. I had no issues. The issue is though I can't get the Nav bar to work, in the Read me says to use twitch.php. I tried that, among other things with no luck. I can't use this at all at the moment. Any help would...