
  1. R

    Question Mood and Status under username

    Hi, I want to move the status and mood under the username. I did as instructed on this thread, but when I disable the original postbit integration the user status cannot be edited anymore. When I click to edit it, nothing happens. The mood works, but the status doesn't. The text box does not...
  2. U

    Question .htaccess

    I didnt use vbseo and today i just brought these awaresome plugin that i wait for very long i not very familar with how the rewrite rule work so is it possible to attach the .htaccess rewritten rule code here for url rewirte ,i read the readme text but was confused
  3. P

    Question Merging thanks/like/dislike with signature area?

    It looks like here at the forums, the like/dislike/thanks has been added to the signature area? That has a much more cohesive look to it. Can someone help me figure out how to do that for my forums? I would rather not have the signature box follow the post box as it is now. I just am clueless...
  4. L

    Legacy Various Requests

    Hi Would be nice to see some features vbSEO supports 1.) Enable Adsense Section Targeting? BETA Select "Yes" to add Google AdSense section tags to relevant parts of your forum pages within forumhome, forumdisplay and showthread. 2.) Option to rewrite the Archive 3.) Relevant Replacements, is...
  5. M

    Bug couple of bugs to sort out

    Hi again, I found a few small issues I believe? 1) Basically there is an issue with the wanted items showing under Items for Sale when you click on a category (please see attachment) 2) small alignment issue of the text and advert in the classifieds bar (please see attachment) 3) If you...
  6. A

    Legacy add a memberlist

    Hi, is it possible to have a list of members as a pop-up when you want to add one? it would be convenient, especially when members have tough nicknames. You type the first letter, it gives a first list and the second letter, up to that desired name appears, thx (a little bug, smileys don't...
  7. XGC Paravain

    Question Jackpot Question

    I bet you were wondering when I was going to post in here, and what my first question would be lol This ones simple as a test I put 20 points in the jackpot of a game and had my girl play to win it First I wanted to text the Moderating part and when she won I could not find where to accept or...
  8. GoodApples

    Question Change Custom Nav Tab Colours

    Where can I change the Custom Nav Tab colours without changing my main nav colours?
  9. GoodApples

    Bug BF Key Not working

    Hey @Fillip H. this is another mod where the Branding Free key is not working.
  10. bzcomputers

    Bug beta 5 - Google Analytics increased pageviews

    After turning on beta5 and letting it run I have noticed a spike in reported pageviews on Google Analytics. I have been running Google Analytics for a couple years on the site and am very familiar with the expected pageview count and trends for the site and something is definitely off. I run...
  11. M

    Bug Latest News

    Latest News not displayed in VB3 VB4 - ok in xml VB4 there is <template name="dbtech_infopanels_newsticker" templatetype="template" date="1357496685" username="Fillip H." version="2.0.6"><![CDATA[<b>{vb:rawphrase dbtech_infopanels_news_ticker}:</b> <span id="dbtech_infopanels_bar">{vb:raw...
  12. Sarab

    Bug Rtl!

    Hello, I used vbmail to send an email with RTL typing, but I received the email LTR ="( And even smiles show as code ="( How to fix this? Regards, Sarab
  13. Nirjonadda

    Question Password Security

    How to change Password Security rules text? my site user does not understanding about the word lower-case and upper-case Must be at least 8 characters Must contain lower-case characters Must contain upper-case characters Must contain numbers Must contain symbols
  14. Nxt

    How long for "Awaiting Authorization" til Download is ready?

    I purchased a a license to PRO vBshout and still am not able to download it. How long is the wait normally?
  15. mikez006

    Question so many problems I don't know where to start

    First let me say I can't believe how complicated this "like/Dislike" system is. Why are there so many settings? Anyway, let me gets started of things I don't understand and things that don't work. Does not work 1) Cloud Display Style - The only one that works is Compact. Selecting 'Full' or...
  16. Morrus

    Legacy Feature Requests....

    Here we go! A few things which would make my life easier! Allow entries to appear in multiple categories Category header layout (like the category/forum layout in the forums) Allow admins to change owner of a file or upload a file as another user (would help immenseley n my massive task of...
  17. Clarice

    Bug 'Always use Forum URL as Base Path' causes errors on load

    Worth noting that we're running the pro version, I'm just not the site owner and as such don't have paid-section account access here. This is an issue I started to notice yesterday after installing vBSSO, and I'm pretty sure it has to do with needing to turn on an option in vB's settings called...
  18. J

    Bug Missing images next to title / summary boxes

    Getting missing images on creating a new listing as follows : On looking at the source there is no image src in the code for either image. <div class="blockrow"> <label for="title" class="full">Title:</label> <input type="text" class="primary full textbox" name="title" id="title"...
  19. J

    Bug sub-category link fault in admincp

    Hi, Found a bug after creating a sub category in the admincp. After the sub cat is created the direct link text directs to the wrong url : admincp/dbtclassifieds.php?do=categories&action=modify&categoryid=2 rather than being : admincp/classifieds.php?do=categories&action=modify&categoryid=2
  20. CharlieDelta

    Bug Feedback Observations

    Here is what I have found with the feedback listing; A) Unfortunately I was unable to test leaving any feedback as I can't seem to bid or buy at the moment. 1) The text needs to either have a background or able to be separated from images on some styles. You are the expert so I will leave it to...