
  1. P

    Bug Censor stripping words out of thread titles instead of replacing them

    Dylan, I believe this a bug, may be due to changes in vB 4.2.x since this mod was created. The option for replace in Thread Titles AND Posts, doesn't seem to work for Thread Titles. It simply removes the original word, and does NOT actually put the intended replacement text! For instance, I...
  2. H

    Legacy Stop Words Don't Work For Thread Tags

    I have installed the new version of SEO and tried the automated thread tagging feature. It appears that the stop words don't work at all, so threads are tagged with words like "the" "then" "its" etc. Are you planning to enable more features/customization on this, such as stopwords or keywords...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Prune Tag via Thread ID

    Please can you add Maintenance option for Prune Tag via Thread ID? Old tag Prune for new tag.
  4. Nirjonadda

    Bug Thread Title in Breadcrumbs

    as the same issue: If i thread view with page no : 3/4/5 , when i click the thread title from Breadcrumbs, Thread does not go to 1st page, Its open where i am.
  5. Nirjonadda

    Bug Thread Tagging UTF-8

    Thread Tagging Unicode/UTF-8-character Does not working get, Please check on this issue. Thread Title : আকাশের কাছে বলি আমি - শাফিন আহমেদ Post Content: আজকে শাফিন আহমেদের এমন একটি গান আপনাদের শোনাবো আমি ১০০% নিশ্চিত আপনারা অবাক হয়ে যাবেন দেখি তো কে বলতে পারে কোন গানটা আজ পোস্ট হবে...
  6. ringnews24

    Shoutbox question before I buy

    1. Can someone show me an example of what archive to thread looks like? 2. Will the archive show up as individual comments? or will it show up as a list inside a thread? Is there an option to show as indivual or list? 3. Can you add the archive to a current thread or does it open a new...
  7. H

    Bug Linked Posts Not Working

    We have encountered two bugs. When quoting specific linked posts. such as this: Typology Central If the user is set up with 100 posts per page, it works fine. But for members with less than that (like 10), instead of taking you to the post, it takes you to the first post at the top of page...
  8. H

    Bug Database error after upload

    I'm still playing around with the mod and haven't fully implemented it yet. Today I decided to update from 1.1.0b3 to 1.1.6 and do some more configuring. I downloaded the mod and uploaded it to the server. Before uploading the xml file I thought I'd check the site just to make sure it was still...
  9. Nirjonadda

    Legacy More Open Graph Images

    It is a standard which Facebook and other big social networking sites use to extract information from a web page being shared/posted on their site. Open Graph meta tags tell Facebook the URL of the page to share, the title of the page, the type of content, and also one or more images to be used...
  10. Nirjonadda

    Legacy HTML Improvements

    Scarch Appearance , Webmaster Tools Recommended , Addressing the following may help site's user experience and performance. Duplicate meta descriptions Short meta descriptions Duplicate title tags
  11. webi

    Bug Post to Thread Title in Download

    Hi Fillip, In the downloads always the name of the current user is displayed instead of the uploaders the discussion thread. Active User DaddyohnePlan Active User Krabat ACP Setting Regards
  12. O

    Question Turn off notification of own thanks / likes

    When you click like / thanks on a thread the growler notification shows that you have a new thank / like but it is just your own. Is there any way we can disable the notification system from showing thanks and likes that we have given to other people?
  13. D

    Bug Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated

    The url may not work because it is not live yet. The error that appears when tagging a user in a post is: Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in ..../includes/functions_newpost.php on line 200 I am aware that this is because the server is...
  14. F

    Question Disable PM notification, remove "Mentions:" from forum display

    1). Every time someone is quoted they receive a Private Message saying "You Have Been Quoted!" and also they receive the Notification that they have been quoted. The notification is sufficient, I want to disable users getting PM when being quoted. How can it be done? 2). I'd like to continue...
  15. AnjaC

    Bug Bad Request

    Hi Fillip, a URL like this: 400 Bad Request gives an error like this: Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Thanks! Greetings Klaus
  16. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Statistics On DBSEO CP

    Please can you add Statistics On DBSEO Control Panel Home? Ex: Last Sitemap Generation date Next Sitemap Generation date Total thread Submit total blog total Spider Log etc ... !!!
  17. GoodApples

    Legacy Relisting - How

    How to re list an item? I received and notification --> clicked on the link which took me to the listing --> I clicked on Edit Listing ...but what is missing is the Listing Type: Start Date Listing Length and perhaps an option to relist with the above two options available? I also...
  18. O

    Legacy Advanced Post Thanks / Like Pro - HIDE code - Require Thanks to see content - New thr

    Hello, I have bought MOD "Advanced Post Thanks - Like v3.2.7 Pro LIFETIME" and installed it on my forum. This MOD is really sophisticated, I have to say. As English is not my mother language, it took me a while to go through the settings, but this is not a disadvantage of the MOD, of course. It...
  19. S

    Bug Database error when going into someone profile after installing vbactivity&awards pro

    Database error when going into someone profile after installing vbactivity&awards pro I Purchased the plugin, installed it, and when i go and click on my profile on the forums or any other member profile, i get a error. Im posting the image of the error and also the information on the error...
  20. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Nginx Admin Support

    Please can you add Support for Nginx Admin? Nginx Admin – cPanel Nginx automated installer Plugin. Nginx Admin v4.8 Stable Released