
  1. IcEWoLF

    vBulletin Connect 5 has been announced!

    vBulletin 5 Announcement - Admin Zone Forums So far the mockups look great, lets see how to the final product will look like, because you never know.
  2. MrBennet

    A few questions

    Hey! To start with, sorry for my nondescript title. I have a few things that I would like to fix with the DBtech - Post thanks mod. 1. In the widget on the right side of: Forum - Tränasmart I would like to display most thanked members. How to do that? 2. The "Post Thanks / Like" when you read...
  3. K

    Question plugin does not working

    Hi. thank you for this mod but this mod not working on my forum and not refresh page, auto or manual. please help to fix this problem
  4. W

    Broken Download File

    I get corruption errors when trying to extract with 7zip. Specifically, it says that the /avatars/index.html and /avatars/thumbs/index.html are broken. Additionally, I have problems when I try to open the PSDs in photoshop. background.psd gives me "Could not complete your request because an...
  5. Taurus

    Some of your products just don't work on my big forum.

    I am sorry, but honestly, some of your products just does not work on busy forums. I don't know why....maybe you cannot test it on busy forums, or it is based on working on your site here... But really...I have bought almost all of your products, yet on most of them, it will just crash my...
  6. D

    Bug Viewing a Thread Beforehand Prevents Mention from Creating Notification

    So I recently installed this add-on, thought it was working pretty well and whatnot, till I noticed something: if you've viewed/posted in (not sure which yet) a thread before and someone mentions you in it, you don't receive a notification for it. Is this natural behavior for this add-on? And if...
  7. KristerSwe

    Legacy CMS Widget

    Was play to make an html widget but the link not work and i am not so familiar with coding HTML Code i used !! <div align="center"> <p><img src="images/Documents-icon.png" width="16" height="16"> Please support our site by considering donating. </p> <p><img src="images/paypal.png"...
  8. racersimage

    Bug Member error when editing and posting

    I've gotten a complaint from two members that have tried to edit or post a topic and get the following error. <b>Warning</b>: preg_replace() [<font color="#0066cc">function.preg-replace</font>]: Unknown modifier '1' in <b>[path]/dbtech/usertag/hooks/postdata_presave.php</b> on line...
  9. L

    Legacy Nominate option showing only on predefined groups or forums

    It would be usefull if the Nominate option only show on predefined groups or forums, to create a Staff of the Month (for example) or Topic of the Month (on forum X) and Tutorial of the Week (on forum Y).
  10. Neo_Angelo

    Make TT pro Available as LITE

    I've seen a few people still interested in TT but for whatever reasons DB-Tech cannot sell it at the moment, my suggestion is since development on it is minimal and the origianl designer isn't around anymore then why not release the pro version as a freebie to DB-Tech customers/ joe public as a...
  11. Valcav

    Legacy Something around "Archive Thread Dump Forum"

    My apologies if it's going to sound strange and/or confusing... Since 11th March 2012 19:22 I have the shoutbox running on my forum (or the time of the first shout). Shoutbox Statistics: Total Shouts Posted: 236 I would "Archive" those into a certain forum. (which I have selected already)...
  12. chiphu

    Question How do I access the User Threads settings?

    Mine is a Super Administrator enabled account, but I don't see the User Threads settings anywhere in my Admin CP to grant it the "Can Administer User Threads" permission, and I don't see this as shown in the screenshot, either. I need it to be in use right now and perhaps I'll go get the Gold...
  13. O

    Question vbactivity

    Hello I have asked this question before and someone did reply but somehow I have either deleted or not saved the previous query. So: We purchased a branding free vbactivity. Can we changed the "vBActivity Leaderboards" label to " Leaderboards"?, We try to changed it and it seems it...
  14. S

    different payment method

    hello i am interested eseguenti products, but to pay 50 euros more I discovered the vat. I can pay with another way to save the 50 euros? I have a moneybookers account, can be a solution? This vat is a real problem for me is an obstacle in buying your product thanks
  15. C

    Video Sharing Mod

    you guys should make a video sharing mod a real one not like (vbtube) something that will have all the options admin would need like Permission Setup to groups by Categories a live streaming option with vbshout in it real ads support for like prerow ads, all that that plus more and with the...
  16. webrunner

    Bug Pages dropdown only shows total; search analytics empty

    Hi, I have a few problems but they could all be caused by the same problem. 1. The dropdown for pages only shows "Total" and no other pages. 2. The search analytics are all empty. (i use the DP sphinx mod) 3. The topic analytics are all empty (and i did have visitors in the specified topics) 4...
  17. Madhatterr

    Threads You're In

    I had the right link before, but now I've lost it. What link would I use to add a "Threads You're In" for members to click to see a list of all threads they've posted in sorted by last reply? Thanks!
  18. V

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro) for XenForo (When?)

    Regarding previous posts on this topic I'd like to ask when are you planning to port this awesome mod? ...of course If you plan to do it? Now I'm running it with vB 3,8 and in short term going to move on XF.
  19. TandyServices

    Bug Branding Free: Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    I have just bought and installed.. I also bought the Branding Free. When I go to put the code in I get: Error:You did not enter a valid value for this setting.
  20. webrunner

    Bug Files uploaded are too large: score not submitting

    Hi, I just updated vbarcade to version 1.1.1 and now the scores are not submitting anymore. Inside the box there is an error message just briefly visibla: uploaded files are too large (or something like that, it really goes away fast) and then it brings me to the comment of my old highscore...