
  1. c0dhackz

    Question how to use PT? help me!

    hello every1, 1 year ago, I set my postbit tabs as shown in my signature, I can not remember most as you do, can someone help me? I would like to divide the postbit in four sections, the first with user info details (joind date rep etc), the second with the info gamers, the third with thx and...
  2. H

    Bundle Package Question

    Well to make things simpler. 1) Can I replace the Copyright Management v2 with a Branding Free package? 2) If so, how much would it cost? I want to buy the DBtech Essentials Bundle but replace the copyright management v2 with a Branding Free package instead. If not, its okay. Just wondering.
  3. N

    Question Implementing on CMS

    I just bought vBShout. Could you help me implementing it somehow on my CMS Home? I've read the threads on this, but I just can't find the Shoutbox Deployment you guys were talking about. Yes, I admit it, I'm a noob. I couldn't find those script inclusions either, so I really need some help on...
  4. GoodApples

    Stored Inbox Messages

    It appears allowed stored inbox messages has reverted back to total 50 allowed. Is this intended?
  5. Davagator

    renewal cost

    If I purchase vBArcade - 3 Months, how much are renewals after that?
  6. mikez006

    Bug Categories/items disappear in IE

    I have 2 shops setup. When I load the store for the first time, everything shows up. When I click to enter shop2, the 4th category tab disappears (there are 4 total). When I click back to shop1 it makes everything disappear, there's no categories or items. I can click back to shop2 and can still...
  7. IcEWoLF

    Question Recent Contributors block - vBadvanced

    Hi Ozzy, how do I remove the donate button from the recent contributors? The 47 Ronin Squad Also I noticed the width is too much, the text is not well contained. Also, would it be possible to make the recent donors look like the block on the forums? The 47 Ronin Squad
  8. R4to0

    Bug BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range

    This started few days ago and i have no idea what is causing this. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT u.*, a.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(c.userid) AS hascustomavatar, c.dateline AS avatardateline, c.width AS avwidth, c.height AS avheight, c.height_thumb AS avheight_thumb...
  9. V

    Question Restore Lost Donators

    When I upgraded to the Pro version I lost the previous site donators so today I was going to add them back. I was unable to find a area to do this manually. So I thought I would download the .csv file that worked without a hitch, then make the adjustments and import it back. Much to my surprise...
  10. A

    Question how to calculate total points for the post of the previous month??

    hello sir , i have to credit money after every month to the how can i calculate all the points for that month ..and can i create fields like this credits for this month: 2$ collected credit for the previous moth: 10$ please let me know thank you Regards, Akshay
  11. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Live Feed page Images Popping out!

    Using vBulletin version 4.2.0 Patch level 3 Feed image width not set... I noticed maybe since the latest update of vBulletin the images are poping out from the sides of the theme/Style Live Feed - The Hybrid Gamers Zone Should I download something that controls the image width or...
  12. R

    Question Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data.

    I am getting this error "Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration." Sometimes I get it sometimes I don't. Can you help me on it. I dont have Xcache Auth enabled.
  13. J

    Bug Items go on new page based on total item count instead of category item count.

    For example, if you show 25 items per page, and Category A has 20 items and Category B has 10 items, you will have 5 items on Page 2 even though only one category appears on a page at a time.
  14. B

    Question Get shoutbox on v3Arcade

    Hello what i must do to get shoutbox on v3Arcade main page? regards bosss
  15. C

    Bug Unable to manually adjust credits

    The fix provided in this post didn't work, so I need further help if possible. When we want to adjust a member's credits ("BAF Cash" on our site), we: Go to ACP > DBTech - vBCredits > Recalculate User Accounts Entered the username in the User Name field, click 'Exact match' Adjust their BAF...
  16. B

    Question How to remove "Active Users" tab and stop notifications for Shouts and Posts etc

    How to remove "Active Users" tab and stop notifications for Shouts and Posts etc Hi, How do i remove the active users tab and stop all notifications from the main shoutbox room ?
  17. IcEWoLF

    Bug countdown not showing

    NaN Days NaN Hours NaN Minutes NaN Seconds The 47 Ronin Squad Not sure why it's doing this. :/ Also the vBadvanced module after upgrading looks a bit weird and I think one of the bottom links are missing.
  18. Jrr Kein

    Question Adding monster problem!!

    Hello I'm new. Whenever i do trying to add monster regardless I add Mother: 50 Father: 50 combine + choose = 0 Mother: 25 Father: 25 Combine: 25 Choose: 25. I always get this error message Can anyone help a newbie no this one
  19. D

    Bug SQL Error

    After Installing this in my XAMPP-Test Area (with a mirrored online Board) i have the following error when i want to enter the User-Panel: Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT...
  20. C

    Legacy Feature Requests

    Thanks for this great gallery for vBulletin. I have just upgraded to the professional version. :) I would like to see if possible: > Recently added comments. At moment i have about 15,000 images in the gallery and it is hard to find if someone has posted a new comment on an image. > Gallery...