
  1. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug Recalculating points issue

    Recalculated points this am due to placing some problematic members in moderation, (sadly that did not work until I put them under banned status it finally took them off the leaderboards), but now I noticed this user shows up with 0 points for the leaderboard but I know they should surely be on...
  2. U

    Bug Donation Bar not refreshing at the new start of the month

    Hello, I have this issue for two months already after upgrade to the new version. Every 1st of the month it does not refresh and it takes around a day to go back to 0%. Some users have complained that nothing was shown after they have donate on the 1st day of the month itself. Could it be a...
  3. Sam Wiltshire

    Bug VBShout Lite Upgrade / uninstall errors

    Hello Guys, Its been a while since updating the forums and as a result of updating the forums i thought it would be a good idea to update my hooks. with a result of updating my VBShout Lite , i can NOT upgrade nor uninstall it to reinstall it , when i go to over write it im hit with a static...
  4. C

    Question server settings/warning

    I'm trying to install/upgrade vbshout on 4.2.2 after upgrading from vb3.8. I just noticed this message in the instance management: "You appear to have PHP 5.3.9 or higher installed on your server and configured to be too restrictive for vBulletin and vBShout to work correctly." What settings...
  5. M

    Bug not shoing up in my forum

    hello it not showing up in all my forum i dont know why ? thank you
  6. C

    Question Just upgraded forum and getting database error

    Just upgraded my forum to 4.2.2 and when I upgrade and enable vbslider I am getting the following database error: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT thread.threadid, thread.title, thread.dateline, forum.forumid, forum.title_clean as forumtitle, post.pagetext AS message...
  7. Bromacia

    vBArcade from 4.x.x

    Hello, I was unable to find an answer on this question. If I had purchased vBArcade for my 4.x.x forums, will that licence still work for a vB5 install? Thanks for any help, -B
  8. Ozzy47

    Bug Cache Styles

    Not sure if it is a bug, or intended behavior, or a unintended feature :p . When you have the setting, Cache Styles set to Yes, If a user changes the style via the quick chooser in the footer, then browses to a different page, it reverts to the default style, you have set in the ACP, even though...
  9. C

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Questions

    I'm considering purchasing the Advanced Post Thanks / Like Questions modification and have a few questions. I'm currently using VBSEO on my vb3.8 forum which I am upgrading. I have been using their like system for a couple years now but since they aren't around any longer, I will need to make...
  10. Mike Carter

    Question Scores preserved after upgrade?

    Very simple question, are high scores preserved after the upgrade from lite to pro?
  11. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Postbit Tabs Show Location

    Please can you add option Postbit Tabs Show Location vB default Postbit Above Join Date ?
  12. M

    Bug Stuck on loading

    (my homepage says I'm using 4.2.2, but i'm not. I reverted back after a failed upgrade. 4.2.1 PL1 shows in AdminCP) I have searched the forum for similar problems and none of the answers have helped me yet. I am having an issue among several web browsers where my site shows shoutbox that...
  13. bzcomputers

    Legacy Meta Properties Including Opengraph Issues in CMS

    All of my CMS articles have bad meta tags, which I believe were bad long before DBSEO came around. I've done some checking and it appears what I'm seeing on my vb 4.2.0 is exactly the same issues as some other sites running 4.2.0. I have seen some sites on 4.2.2 that don't appear to be...
  14. S

    Compatability question for vbCredits

    Hi again guys. Been a while! I was going to starting using my vbulletin software again, and I already had a few existing purchsed mods. But these were all almost a year ago and I see above that there were issues with 4.2.2. The main ones I'm wondering about are the Arcade and Credits mods. Are...
  15. M

    Bug Featured Items not saving

    Hi, When a member lists an item, it is not featuring when they choose it (I have usergroups setup). And also when I go into the front end to edit it for them it does not save the option to feature it. I have to go into the admincp and then set it too featured - which then works and the item...
  16. H

    Question Expired item: Invalid shop ID: After upgrade to 3.1.1

    I started getting this error during the Item Duration cron job after upgrading to the latest version of the shop. It causes such a huge load spike on the server I had to disable the shop. Any idea what caused it and how to fix it? Every item in the shop generates an Invalid shop ID error message.
  17. neounix

    Legacy Option for Vertical Social Sharing to Appear on Right Side of Page

    Hey..! Happy New Year! Can you please add the option for the Social Sharing Vertical Buttons to appear on the right and not only the left. Our users are complaining they want it on the right side of the page and not only on the left. Thanks very much.
  18. U

    Bug Member profile descripiton empty when custome profile url used

    i noticed at googe webmaster tools member profile urls wrongly indexed <meta name="description" content=" is a in the Ecoiner Forums. View 's profile."/> username variable seems not working iused members/[user_id]-[user_name]/ format....
  19. S

    Bug Buttons disappearing when click on like button!

    Basically, whenever I click on the like button. The Quick reply and Multi Quote button will disappear any help? Much Appreciated
  20. W

    Bug Add Tab only has vbulletin option as default

    I hope somebody can help me with this very weird issue. I have been using Navtabs for as long as I can remember and had a functioning drop down menu for my Care sheets and User CP. Around a week ago all images that my members upload show as attachments with a number and to troubleshoot mods...