
  1. O

    Bug Issue with Link Titles / External URLs

    In the latest update there appears to be a problem with the Link Title feature. I have "Link Titles" set to "Overwrite Title" and I have "Link Titles: External URLs" Off. The problem is that this turns off Link Titles for Internal forum URLs. This did work in previous versions however lately...
  2. bzcomputers

    Bug Quotations in Download Name cause issues in url when using rewrites

    Quotations in any download name are causing url issues when being rewritten. The quotation is currently breaking the url link where it is inserted. I see this for thumbnail urls, download page urls, and download urls referenced multiple places throughout the mod. Looks like quotes need to be...
  3. K

    Legacy suggestions for review system

    first of all thanks for this great tool but i have some important suggestions 1- view images from external links some forums like me has limit disk space and maybe i want to link images from another server or sites in reviews maybe we can have option to disable "upload" fields and can link...
  4. E

    Bug Smiley upload Text

    Hey Guys, wenn a user use the Smiley Upload item and he will type as replacer ":adm:" then the system shows "adm". Or when he type an url (example: Google ) then it made httpwwwgooglede. Is that an error @ my system or @the item`? Please help :) Edit: Same Error is @ user title change ...
  5. Morrus

    Bug Download errors

    Whenever I try to upload a file of larger than about 10MB it usually takes me 4-5 attempts before it'll work. I get lots of failed uploads with a "Downlaod Error: True" message, but if I keep trying it works eventually. We have a web upload size limit set in the 30MB range, so it's well...
  6. A

    Bug Problem to edit image in a review. Only appear mine!

    Hi guys :) Juste to talk about a bug I think. I create a review with a user A, and uplaod some images I create an other review with a user B, and upload some images. The both are administrator, but when I edit the B's review, I can only put my image, and the same for the user B for the A's...
  7. F

    Bug rel="nofollow" not looking at whitelist

    I made some code changes to get the whitelist to work correctly. It looks like URL compared is the full URL instead of just the domain. It also looks like the preg_match variables are switched. The following code is working for me: dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php:5552 $url_parts =...
  8. W

    Bug Error in Search After Install

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home2/public_html/forum/dbtech/thanks/actions/admin/search.php on line 55 Line 55 is a blank line... I am testing this on my local host before I move to my production board.
  9. R

    Bug URL rewriting doesn't work help for config or fix possible bug

    Hello, Just go through install process: - files upload - import xml - update htaccess - import vbseo setting Everything goes smoothly. No error messages. Try to access several pages but none of them are working anymore. Looks like URL rewriting is working in adress bar and respect the...
  10. M

    Question PHP Memory Limit's after isntalling DragonByte SEO

    Hey Guys, I have just purchased Dragonbyte SEO Pro. When I enable it on my forum it gives me PHP errors on nearly every page. The php.ini file on the server is set at 128mb. I manage to add the line to solve some of the modules problems and generate some initial sitemaps...
  11. M

    Bug Blank Countries

    I have been running a test banner for about 24 hours (maybe a little longer ). But from What I have seen when looking in the customer error is thousands of blank countries. Here is a screenshot: Also I searched for country UNITED KINGDOM and no search details showed up, then when I browse...
  12. bzcomputers

    Bug No Automatic Sitemap Generation after upgrade to 1.0.4

    After I upgraded to 1.0.4 the automatic sitemap generation has not worked. On Monday I installed the update. Ran it manually Monday night to confirm it would automatically pick up all my custom urls and all seemed to be fine. The only setting changes I made were to: 1) Set sitemap run time to...
  13. P

    Bug php error accesing forum urls

    From time to time, this php error shows when trying to access any forum url (ex: Manifestos i comunicats - Bombers pel Canvi) In fact urls shows as if dbseo was not active. When the issue appears (daily) I go to the ACP, save options again and the forum resume working properly.
  14. B

    Question Install issues

    I just tried to install. I copied the "usertag.php" into the admincp folder, copied the "dbtech" folder to the vB root, and copied the contents of the "upload/includes/xml" folder into "/includes/xml". I then tried to add it in the admincp, and it hangs, showing: Importing Product, Please...
  15. M

    Bug DB Errors after uploading the latest patch

    Here is the error ------------------------------------------------- Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT listingid FROM theforumprefix__dbtech_classifieds_listing WHERE enddate > 1392921849AND startdate < 1392921849 AND ended = 0 AND featured = 1 AND active = 1...
  16. T

    Question ACP mass import

    Hi can you explain how the ACP mass import works please? I have a cd disc full of photos and files I need to upload which I understand I can ftp to the upload folder in this case No2. some how No1 already contains photos. So what do I do then? and how to I get those photos to the correct...
  17. N

    Bug Conflict with Tapatalk?

    Since installing 1.1.ob1, I get the following error with Tapatalk 4.9.1. I DISABLED the classifieds mod and the errors STOPPED! nelson@hobby-machinist.com nelson@hobby-machinist.com 9:24 AM (14 minutes ago) to nelson Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL...
  18. Papa Bear

    Question CMS Custom URL

    Ok..I have my CMS running at www.mysite.com and my forum is www.mysite.com/forum so how do i set the customs urls to work..the rewrite for the forum and blog work fine cause they are all located in the /forums directory but when you click on a article link on the cms i get a 404 error page..
  19. HaZaRd

    Bug CMS not work with DragonByte SEO

    CMS does not work, the page returns "Error 404. Not Found. The requested URL / content / was not found on this server." I've had a problem with another identical seo-mod and I discovered that my server is fast-cgi. I created a topic here to ask the question. copy and paste the content here...
  20. Dora

    Question Baner resize

    Hello, If there is no defined package, there is no option cofigure ... When a defined package, configure is located just on the package tab, bottom right not to be seen. Showing my placeholder image size banners, and the true picture is a small thumbnail. Example 1: forumads2.jpg...