
  1. GoodApples

    Bug Manage Feedbacks - Database error

    vB admincp when clicking on Manage Feedbacks Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT c.feedbackid, COUNT(c.feedbackid) AS commentcount FROM dbtech_classifieds_feedback_comment AS c WHERE c.feedbackid IN () GROUP BY...
  2. F

    Question After save, file does not upload

    New install, paid DragonByte to do a professional install. From Admin account basic file upload works fine. However if i click on Is ScreenShot or Is Thumbnail the file fails to upload when Save is clicked and I don't get a screenshot or a thumbnail. What's the fix?
  3. T

    Bug Database error

    Ops posted too fast so edited. I just downloaded latest version of vbquiz but can't turn it on in user groups. I get this message every time I try: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET ### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### `title` =...
  4. webi

    Legacy Upload after a certain number of posts

    The possibility of an upload independed of the user group to allow only a defined number of Posts.
  5. T

    Bug Poss error in product?

    Hello, after updating vbulletin I experience some errors. I contacted vbulletin staff and they send me back to you. The error that I get is this: Warning: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in …./showthread.php(2406) : eval()'d code on line 27 It is not constantly...
  6. GoodApples

    Bug Fatal parse templates Line 17

    I have upload twice but still getting a Fatal Error Message when product is enabled. Fatal error: Class 'DBTECH_TRATING' not found in /home/............../public_html/dbtech/thread_ratings/hooks/parse_templates.php on line 17 Edit Fatal Error went away after changing Dragonbyte-Tech: Thread...
  7. Morrus

    Legacy Feature Requests....

    Here we go! A few things which would make my life easier! Allow entries to appear in multiple categories Category header layout (like the category/forum layout in the forums) Allow admins to change owner of a file or upload a file as another user (would help immenseley n my massive task of...
  8. J

    Advanced Thanks/Like notifications

    I am interested in Adavace Post Thanks / Like - mainly for the "Like" feature. kindly clarify the below prior to place the order: Is it allow to hide the link to push the users to thanks prior to download? Is it hide the link of vbulletin direct upload? Thanks
  9. Sarab

    Bug Error when trying to upload xml

    Hello, When trying to import the Achievement Pack: Ultimate I receive the following error: A required field called typeid is missing or has an invalid value. This my third thread asking for you support this month, while two of them didn't get the help I asked, I hope this one will get real...
  10. V

    Bug Incorrect - bad result

    Hi, Results Table --> Date Taken User Name Incorrect Correct Percentage/Score Incorrect indicates a bad result? Shows how much all the answers in the quiz - for example... Quiz consists of three questions. Each answer has four options. If you answer correctly the result should be like this...
  11. M

    question on product

    Hy there, i am new here and running (vBulletin 3.8.7 Patch Level 3) on my site. I am interested improving my album section and upload files. Do you have a product that do that? many thanx
  12. Morrus

    Bug Upload controls do not work

    The upload controls do not work correctly. This happens in multiple browsers and skins. It's also very hard to describe. Clicking the Browse button to add files gives a dialogue box to select uploads as expected. Once the file is selected, it all disappears. No upload progess bar, nothing...
  13. Morrus

    Question How do I add a thumbnail?

    I can't work out how to add a thumbnail image for a file. What am I overlooking?
  14. S

    Bug Installation errors [mysql errors duplicate entries] cannot install

    Hi, When trying to install i'm getting mysql errors... At first try i've tried to install with upload xml + overwrite settings, but that gave me a blank screen. So i went ahead with installing xml from server + overwrite settings. Installation now goed wrong on multiple duplicate entries...
  15. webi

    Bug Category names are repeated

    Hi Fillip H., New Problem :( We have the problem of the category names to be repeated arbitrarily. Best Regards
  16. unit1stealth

    Bug Admin Panel Broken - Advanced Post Thanks/Likes

    Hey, so I recently upgraded my site to vBulletin 4.2.2 and it appears that the Advanced Post Thanks/Likes plugin broke my admin panel. I tried replacing the global_startup.php with clean versions, but still nothing. Is there a patched version of the *lite* so I can upload to fix this error...
  17. M

    Bug help me about vbshop

    salam to all plz help me am trying to install vbshop v3(vb4) but when am try to upload XML to vb then it is giving me that error (Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an...
  18. Sicilian

    Bug Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../vboptimise/core/class_v

    Since upgrading Forum to 4.2.2 and upgrading Forum tabs/infopanels to latest this morning we keep getting these php errors in the head of the Forum. Any ideas? Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../vboptimise/core/class_vboptimise.php on line 485 Warning: Only variables...
  19. T

    Bug Probably a bug? Cant login anymore

    Hey Guys, one Member as trouble to login. I thought he forget his password so i cleard the ip-adresses but the error is still there. It says: Fatal error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active in /www/htdocs/w010badd/clan2k/dbtech/vbsecurity/hooks/login_failure.php on line 75 i...
  20. seeker

    Bug Memory Use

    Since we updated to VB 4.2.2 the amount of memory we have had to alott php has doubled for this script. That said this is probably more of a VB problem than the download mod. But my question is why does this mod need so much memory anyway? We use other php download scripts that stream the file...