
  1. M

    Bug Problem with URLs

    I have a problem with my URLs. I have no Idea how this possible This i have showthread.php/showgroups.php showthread.php/index.php dbseocp/content.php This is my robots.txt User-agent: * Allow: / Disallow: /vb/ Disallow: /dbseocp/ Disallow: /dbtech/ Disallow: /moderation.php Disallow...
  2. T

    Bug Dots in the thread title throw off attachment URL's

    As the title says. Example here: Drip…drip…drip…drip…drip…
  3. 3

    Question redirect urs

    Hi, how can I redirect these urls? this: http://www.foro3d.com/noticias/115089-proyecto-goosebery-por-que-es-importante-ton-rosendal.html I want to be this good: http://www.foro3d.com/f39/proyecto-goosebery-por-que-es-importante-ton-rosendal-115089.html Thanks.
  4. M

    Question Threads to sitemap

    Settings DragonByte Tech: SEO - URL Rewrites: Forum URLs Rewrite Thread URLs - No Ex. forum/showthread.php?t=5374 Click Build Sitemap dbseo_sitemap_thread_0.xml.gz <url> <loc>forum/showthread.php?f=5374</loc> <lastmod>2014-08-03T10:43:18+00:00</lastmod> <changefreq>daily</changefreq>...
  5. D

    Question Import form windows to ubuntu servers

    One client has the Pro version installed. It's on a windows server. When I transport to our servers (Ubuntu) I can't get the plugin working (with any URL type setting) and something is messed and I can't set the URLs to Mod Rewrite Friendly URLs only to Advanced Friendly URLs Something is...
  6. E

    DBSEO - Pro Purchase question

    I'd like to purchase DBseo and have just 1 question thats concerning me. When URL's are re-written, what happens to the old urls submitted to google. Are they redirected to the new url or will it send loads of errors to google for non existant pages?
  7. F

    Question Any way to accept legacy URLs?

    I have installed the lite version of this on a test forum and it seems to work well. The only thing stopping me from instaling this on my live site (and buying the pro version and a branding free license) is this issue, which might be outside the realm of support but it is a setup which worked...