user tagging

  1. S

    Question Hide doesnt work?

    I installed Advanced post thanks like,and when i go to a post nothing is hidden,Am i doing something wrong? Default Button: Content If yes, clicking this button will be required to see content between [HIDE] tags when making a post from Quick Reply. <-- Set to yes.
  2. Nirjonadda

    Question User Text Formatting Mention Not Work

    This is another bug of Advanced User Tagging,member when select Font colors and Font sizes on reply Mention Not Work,how to fix this issue? without Font colors and Font sizes Mention Work ! Example : @Nirjonadda Example: @Nirjonadda
  3. H

    Bug Found A New Bug in The Mention System

    Hey guys, got a weird bug and if wondering if it can be addressed. Since the hash used to mention a member is username, we found a bug while using CODE bbcode on the forum. We tried pasting this in CODE for a table: And it instantly pegged that DB and made it hang. I remember a few versions...
  4. D

    Where can i find this BBC, using on this site here?

    Hello! Where can i find this BB-Codes, what you are using here on in you Editor. Show picture please... Thank you! D.
  5. techinferno

    Bug Error in apache error_log

    Hi, i've been getting lots of error messages from vbshout (i assume, since the only other dragonbyte product we run is user tagging) The error which repeats constantly is : [Wed Oct 10 16:03:30 2012] [error] [client] Invalid method in request SHOUTS2...
  6. Q

    Bug Tab mention and quote

    I have installed the ultimate pro version of user tagging on my forum. When i receive a Mention or Quote and i click on notify the page don't show the tab Mention or Quotes but the tab of my activity. How to resolve?
  7. Q

    Tab Mention and Quote

    I have installed the ultimate pro version of user tagging on my forum. When i receive a Mention or Quote and i click on notify the page don't show the tab Mention or Quotes but the tab of my activity. How to resolve?
  8. sarahw

    Legacy User Tagging in Reported Post Reason Field

    For some reason, we are unable to get user tags to work in the reason field for reported posts. It looks like it's basically a post quote, but the tags do not parse and instead just show up as username without a hyperlink to the user's profile or a notification. Any ideas on how we might edit...
  9. Batskes

    DBTech and vB5?

    Hey guys quick question. I'm most likely going to be upgrading as soon as I can to vB5 (already have purchased) and currently use your mods on 4.2, love them and am ready to upgrade to full versions for a few. But, now due to vB5, I'm just wondering if you guys will be offering free upgrades...
  10. S

    Bug Product Import Failure and Big Board Questions

    Hello, First of all, I want to say that I've very impressed with the operation you guys have going here. Great products and everything seems to be run in a professional manner. Compared to the typical service you get with a lot of vB mods, this is a breath of fresh air. Anyways, I'm working on...
  11. Nirjonadda

    Question Bug On Member Profile

    Hello Bug On Member Profile , How to fix this ?
  12. robb3369

    Advanced User Tagging...

    Does the Advanced User Tagging module require the vBNotifications module to sent out notifications?
  13. F

    Product Import Issue

    Hi, When ever I try to import any product..... It stucks after doing below things AdminCP Page does not refreshes and no settings are created in the AdminCP as that imported product should create. No errors are generated either on forums or AdminCP Now this is happening with any Product I am...
  14. Kaleem

    Where Should I download my Product?

    Hello, I bought the lifetime license for Advanced User Tagging back in May 2011, where can I download the product I dont see anything. I need to upgrade it. Thank You, Kaleem
  15. Nirjonadda

    Question Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10

    Hello Fillip H. , I get Database error during installation and Add new block: DBTech - User Tagging: Hash Tag Stats on Fatal error in admin CP , How i can fix this issue ? Add new block: DBTech - User Tagging: Hash Tag Stats: Fatal error: Class 'vB' not found in...
  16. popposoft

    Bug admincp page blank

    hello, I installed your lite plugin, It seems to work, I can mention, tag and things but I can't see in the admincp options the DragonByte section on the nav on the left and if I try to go manually into /admincp/index.php?loc=usertag.php shows me a blank page What can I do to resolve this...
  17. O

    Question 'hash tag subscriptions'

    Hello, One of the Advanced User Tagging options I see on my website is 'hash tag subscriptions' after installing the Advanced User Tagging mod. But, I do not see 'hash tag subscriptions' on this website in the drop down menue 'community'? Is this not supposed to be there? Also, I cant figure...
  18. kfyonur

    Question Settings of email

    Email & forum notification How can i activate the mail options on the product. Email & forum notification Quote alerts: Email & forum notification is it true (screenshot) ? because it is not working.
  19. H

    Bug Table Locking Issue?

    Ok, it started the other day. I finally upgraded vbshout to the 6.0.8 and then user tagging to 3.0.4. Then the site began to really take a hit. Load values were on par with each other, but mysql user was pegging 800%. Checked out the mysql process log and found this below: | mazdaspe_msf |...
  20. V

    Question How do I remove the: Mentioned: and Tagged: Display

    Hello, Fillip H. I was wondering how do I remove the Mentioned: and Tagged: options from below the user names. I did not see an option for this and was wondering what piece of code I need to remove to get rid of these, let me know. I also have some other boxes under the usernames that I would...