
  1. K

    Bug vBDownloads Permissions where is the problem

    where is the problem vBDownloads - General Permissions Registered Users : Browse Files Favourites ModCP Manage Categories Import Files ip Tv CCcam Cardsharing Forum Uydu Destek Forum Sitesi Uydulife Cccam Test Pls demo demo1
  2. B

    Question How make private

    I made one forum for users who want use vbanswers sideblock form and choose "private". Mean that only this user can see his/her thread (post). Must I make some extra settings in forum manager for this new forum? Need some tips or help - point is that another users do not see that post... if I...
  3. S

    Bug Promotions scheduled

    Hello, I have set some customs vBactivity promotions. if last login <=1 days and if and post >=1 move from usergroup x to usergroup z I have been waiting for 6 hours without results. These promotion does follow the hourly cron task schedule set by default on vB? What is the schedule for...
  4. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Important Feature Option

    Hello Please try to add option, If possible ! 1. User Registration - Based Upon Email (Domain) 2. Inviter Supports Facebook and Yahoo 3. Send Verification Code For Registration 4. Default Usergroup on Registration 5. Captcha On Login Or image verification login 6. Prevent Number only...
  5. jluerken

    Bug Adding Group Moderators make the script loop forever

    Hi Mokonzi and Belazar, when I go to ADMINCP - GROUP MODERATORS and add for example the group "Moderators" to a category with subforums to make them all moderator in one go, the script loops foreever. If I click on the GROUP MODERATORS link again I see it was added but there is definetly a...
  6. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Just an improvement request

    Hi Fillip H., is there anyway possible to improve performance of the tagging system? When loading usergroups profile page with tagging mod enabled, it takes forever to load it, however when disable it, it loads instantly.. I've requested this feature to be added a while back, unfortunately I...
  7. G

    Question Layout displaying incorrectly post installation

    I recently installed vbShout and I am having this strange problem where the layout shows incorrectly. Could you please advise how to fix this?
  8. Morrus

    Question Installation tips for those with large post tables?

    We had a similar problem with vBShop, but managed to persuade it to install after repeated tries. vBCredits is refusing to play ball, though - installation times out every time. It's not a bug with the mod, but I assume I'm not the only person ever to try installing on a board with a large...
  9. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Two-Factor Authorisation

    Hello Please can you add option for forum login Second Level Password?Provides a feature for users of forum to request a code via email on login, which is then needed to complete the login process.Please can you Integration or Implement Second Level Login And Infinity: Dual Authentication This...
  10. L

    Bug No scores saved since last fix

    Hello, since last fix (see here in the gambling hall are no more stored points, so I think that it might be connected with this fix (?). My members have already written and drawn attention. I myself have since the last...
  11. F

    Question Add personal items, plus other questions...

    Ok... I actually have a few different questions about adding vBShop as well as vBCredits to my site. I know this isn't the vBCredits forum and I have asked the appropriate questions there, however there may be some overlap. Here goes... A- My site is a paid membership forum and has some free...
  12. F

    Question 2 "How do I" questions...

    1- My previous point system didn't allow for me to select which groups can participate, yours can. I have some free user groups that don't accrue credits, and won't from this point forward. However I'd like to remove any points from their profile they accrued with the previous system. I've tried...
  13. Steris56

    Prevent live links in Private Messaging

    not sure what can be done with this but i would love a mod that would allow admin to limit user groups putting in live links in pm's thanks in advance
  14. C

    Bug Can Purchase usergroups 'No' not working

    Hello, For some reason, I set it so my usergroup, as well as other usergroups who already have the certain item, cannot purchase the item being sold. However, for some reason, I am still allowed to purchase it, and it let me add to cart and buy it for the credits. I am thinking this may be...
  15. Sarab

    Question Many Q!

    Hello, I really love this mod =.= <-- just finished understanding every aspect of the mod xD ( thank you Darkwaltz4 =) ) Will when I finished I had some questions, they are: 1- about paycheck is their a way to set it for users instead of usergroups? <-- we have ranking system for users so...
  16. W

    Legacy Add more invite numbers to individual member's profile & Invite code

    These are important feature, without them this mod seems very normal. ** Administrators can add more invitation numbers in individual member's profile which can override allowed invitation amount for the usergroup. ** Invitation sender can delete an invite if not verified. ** Special users can...
  17. Sarab

    Bug Internal server error

    Hello, I just install it and after it finished it gave me: The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. Only on the Admin panel =") but in the front end it show the copyright in the footer even thought I have global brand free installed T^T Can you help me ="(...
  18. Unfolded

    Question [Question] User has just replied to the thread

    In vBshout when a user replies to a thread, some have a link and some dont. Why is this and how can it be changed
  19. IcEWoLF

    Bug Slider shows 2x and slider causing vBShout not to appear for a specific usergroup.

    Hi there, I created a new usergroup called The 47 Ronin Council using the same permission as The 47 Ronin, now here is the problem, when I moved my test user to that council group everything looks messed up. First of all on the front page it shows 2 vBSliders, when not in that group everything...
  20. Trekkan

    Bug Website goes white after auto refresh

    After going to my site at Just For Fun Gaming after about 60 seconds, the page goes white. No other pages on the site do this. If I view the source of the page, all of the HTMl/Javascript, etc is all there still. This started happening probably a month ago, but I just now had time to look...