
  1. EasyEasy

    Legacy Sidebar Username & Channel Count

    Couple of requests if possible. In the forum sideblock is it possible to change the channel name to the members username as per the otpions you did in the ACP last time. Also is it possible to have a count on the main twitch page of how many times a channel has gone live? Thanks in advance.
  2. S

    Legacy User Gallery Link in post bit

    Can a link to the users gallery be in the postbit by the username Thanks Dylan :)
  3. D

    Bug username isn't correct at dbtech_infopanels_top_poster_x_with_y_posts_z_thre ads

    Username isn't there at phrase dbtech_infopanels_top_poster_x_with_y_posts_z_threads??? <a href="{1}">{2}</a> is our top poster with <b>{3}</b> posts and <b>{4}</b> threads. german: <a href="{1}">{2}</a> ist mit <b>{3}</b> Beiträgen und <b>{4}</b> Themen das fleißigste Mitglied. But the...
  4. EasyEasy

    Legacy Username notifictation

    Could you possibly change the notifications information. When a member goes live the message title and content displays their Twitch username. Can you make it so it contains their forum username instead as the majority of members usernames wont match thier Twitch username.
  5. Trekkan

    Legacy Autofill for the title

    I'd like to be able to autofill the title with something like this: Application for {username} Basically filling in username with the persons username that is filling out the form.
  6. Force

    Bug Can View Other's Username History

    (Can View Other's Username History) This works for my profile but I can't see this tab in anyone else's profile even other admins
  7. mikez006

    Bug Can't change name back to original

    Im using the username change with your store addon. After a members changes their username once, if they try to change their username back to the original name, they get an error that says, "the username is in use or does not meet the rule requirements. contact the admin" This is from the...
  8. S

    Question Selling a Random Item & few more questions

    Hello, I'm wondering whether Lite/Pro, the following are possible. Please tell me which of the things I list are possible, and which are not. I would also really appreciate it if you tell me how each one is done, if the feature is possible. Is it possible at all, using any method in vBShop, to...
  9. heyzeus909

    Question @Tagging with a space in the usernname?

    A user at my site has a username which is identical to his real first and last name, including the space between names (ex: Scott Lastname). I tried tagging him, but was unsuccessful. Simply using: @Scott Lastname tagged the person with the username Scott. I tried to employ the semicolon...