
  1. C

    Post thank you hack notification

    We should all know what the post thank you hack is by now so moving on.. I was trying to create an addon that would post a notification when someone pushes the "thanks" button. Anyway been working on this all morning, and currently stuck at getting the code to give me the thread title. This is...
  2. S


    Can someone explain the medals to me more in detail. I don't have the Pro version yet and I'm interested in more information. Are the medals sort of like custom achievements that don't use the forum variables? The reason I ask is because I run a guild forum. My members play a game called...
  3. Diana Notacat

    That new VB 4.0 styling system! oooh...

    It's a good topic for discussing, since I've seen so many mixed feelings about it! Hell, I have mixed feelings about it myself. On the one hand, I do love that I can edit style settings for every little thing. It does make customizing and nitpicking fun to do. On the other... trying to find...