
  1. Morrus

    Question Installation tips for those with large post tables?

    We had a similar problem with vBShop, but managed to persuade it to install after repeated tries. vBCredits is refusing to play ball, though - installation times out every time. It's not a bug with the mod, but I assume I'm not the only person ever to try installing on a board with a large...
  2. IcEWoLF

    Status on vBCredits re-write?

    I remember few months ago you guys made an announcement about vBCredits II being re-written, since then I haven't heard much about it, is this still on the scope?
  3. F

    Question What's the proper setting for...

    In vBCredits Action Options > "Activity Requirements" field, what is the difference between the choices? For my site, I've selected points to be given for only posting, starting threads and uploading. Perhaps more in the future but for now that's it. The choice of activity requirements all...
  4. F

    Question Integrate vBCredits into vBShop...

    Maybe I'm wrong in the way I'm thinking about this, but I assumed that I could integrate vBCredits into vBShop and when credits are earned during the various activities throughout the site, those credits could be used directly in the shop. However when I look to set up the currencies in vBShop I...
  5. W

    Question Hook for dartho mobile style

    I have been using dartho mobile style from the first. I lost many mobile users after installing credit mod as mobile users cannot get the charged contents. I have tried to get solution from dartho but reply was to contact DBT and to ask which hook is missing for mobile style. Please help me out.
  6. F

    Question Add personal items, plus other questions...

    Ok... I actually have a few different questions about adding vBShop as well as vBCredits to my site. I know this isn't the vBCredits forum and I have asked the appropriate questions there, however there may be some overlap. Here goes... A- My site is a paid membership forum and has some free...
  7. F

    Question 2 "How do I" questions...

    1- My previous point system didn't allow for me to select which groups can participate, yours can. I have some free user groups that don't accrue credits, and won't from this point forward. However I'd like to remove any points from their profile they accrued with the previous system. I've tried...
  8. Morrus

    What combination of products do I need to..

    I know what I want to do, but I'm not too sure on the combination of products I need to do it. I think it might be some kind of instersection between Awards, Shop, and Credits. -- I want to be able to sell - as microtransactions - small icons which display on a user's postbit, profile, and in...
  9. F

    Question Can I convert UCash points to vBCredits

    I've been using the very simple U-Cash point system on my site for a couple of years. I'm considering upgrading to vBcredits as there's room for further growth and ,more options for use with it. My question is: Is it possible for vBCredits to read the amount each user has in my current point...
  10. Sarab

    Question Many Q!

    Hello, I really love this mod =.= <-- just finished understanding every aspect of the mod xD ( thank you Darkwaltz4 =) ) Will when I finished I had some questions, they are: 1- about paycheck is their a way to set it for users instead of usergroups? <-- we have ranking system for users so...
  11. C

    Question Allow conversion of 2 currency

    Hiya, I have one currency, called Points, which is for new posts/threads/birthdays/referrals/etc.. I have another currency, called Credits, which I want to use for exclusive items in my Store, however, the only way I want credits to be obtained is by converting your Points into Credits...
  12. mikez006

    Bug Credits Plugin causing CPU spikes

    I've been noticing some random slow downs over the last few weeks and today I contacted by hosting provider to find out what was going. What would happen is the site would get extremely slow or just stop loading for a few mins, then be back to normal. I had originally thought it was a network...
  13. Unfolded

    Legacy Copyright Text

    Hello, I use alot of vB Products as you well know, One particular copyright caught my eye down the bottom of my website since it looks all out of places and uneven due to Donation System provided by vBDonate (Pro) - vBulletin Mods & Addons. Copyright © 2013 DragonByte Technologies Ltd We know...
  14. Vcize

    Question Custom item -> sql query

    I run the occasional contest/giveaway (for real physical goods) on my forum. I would like to allow users to buy entries to the contest with credits through vbshop. For the entries, I have a table that stores the userid, date, and contest name each time they make an entry. As such, I'd like to...
  15. K

    Bug Can't get to currency conversion

    I go to: ACP > vBCredits > Currency Pricing Conversion And I get this: I have put in the Database pw and username, but it still doesn't matter. Says "You have entered an incorrect password! Access Denied!" I am hoping to use the Buy points feature. Also, does this feature tie in at all with...
  16. Vcize

    Question Change credits.php filename

    I have a different credits mod on my forum currently that already uses a file called credits.php. Obviously it's not an issue long term as I plan on using vbCredits Deluxe long-term, but I'll need to have both installed to do some testing and transfer everything over. Is there a way I can...
  17. mikez006

    Bug members purchasing currency through Paypal

    On the Credits page when a member clicks the currency they get the popup menu where they are able to purchase more currency through Paypal. The issue is when a member enters a value amount the "Type desired amount to calculate price shown here after minimum met" message takes 3-6 seconds to...
  18. P

    Question Need some help how to transfer credits etc

    I need some help how to do these : 1) I have vbexperience instaled and i want to transfer all the current points from vbexperience to vbcredits , and then i will delete vbexperience and all user should have the same amount of points. -The problem is vb credits doenst detect vbexperiance 2)...
  19. P

    Question Credits option are missing in the admin panel

    hello, I just installed the mod and everything works great :) except i cant find on the admin cp vbcredits deluxe ? I mean in admin cp = options = i can see global option etc and the mod works on the forum but no options in the admin cp a picture what i mean where its missing
  20. Replicators

    Legacy Vbcredits integration?

    It don;t mention on the store page on whether it uses vbcredits or not, but is it possible that i can charge people credits to play the arcade games, and also give credits to the people who win tournaments? I wanna get the pro i am just trying to find out if it is worth it. Does the lite version...