
  1. S

    Bug VBDonate not showing on sidebar

    i already enable the sidebar but nothing show on sidebar..
  2. S

    Legacy Please add a Credit Purchase System

    Please add a Credit Purchase System so i can sell a credits also like "AWCoding- Credit Purchase System". can you add it asap??because i need it badly on my site. Br.carlo1130
  3. S

    Question vBDonate Import Utility how to do?

    i can't import utility because of other mod installed earlier,all of this mod are removed already..what can i do?
  4. D

    Bug vbDonate Contribution Table

    Hello, I'm having issues with this vBDonator mod, I've installed it and it looks real nice, but when I view "My Contributions", "View Confirmed Contributions", "View UnConfirmed Contributions, "View Anonymous Contributions, and "View UnDisclosed Contributions". The table below is always off...
  5. Dej

    Activity & Awards - Disabling Possible + ?'s

    Hello.. 3 questions. 1) I only need the Awards portion of this mod - is it possible to disable the Activity features? 2) Also, I'm using another Awards mod right now, which I have to disable because it's quarantined at vbulletin.org - not sure if I can mention the name of it here, so I won't...
  6. Steris56

    Legacy Rank Change

    hey Ozzy i have ranks on my site now when a confirmed donator gets moved into the donator group the title changes but the rank stays as a new member the only remedy is when i go to acp i save for that member and the rank changes is there perhaps some code i could add to make it change or what...
  7. P

    Question How can I show the donate buttons to unregistered user?

    Just want to know that :)
  8. L


    May I make a suggestion for the current version of VbDonate. I have the lite version so am unsure if its a feature of the full version, I notice that people are getting confused with it when they have used it, not because of the way it sets out but because that when they have donated they think...
  9. F

    Legacy Payment Options?

    Hi Ozzy, Can you please add some other Payment Options in vBDonate? :) Like Moneybookers (Skrill), Alertpay etc? Regards
  10. IcEWoLF

    Bug Avatar thumbs show broken?

    Hi Ozzy, for some reason after updating the mod since the latest hotfix the avatar thumbs show broken when browsing the sideblock: The 47 Ronin Squad Not sure what's going on here. :/
  11. N

    Question Redirect to a landing page

    hi, I'm in process to buy VBDonate, but I want to know if there is a feature to redirect a user to a lading page after donation instead of send him a pm. I want to redirect registered and anonymous user to a thank you page. Best, Antonio
  12. Fillip H.

    Bug Decimal precision error

    vBDonate doesn't appear to handle decimal donations correctly. While testing, every PM and display showed a donation of $0.01 as $0. I suspect changing the amount column in the donations table to double instead of int will fix it :)
  13. D

    Question Missing Banners??

    I am just getting a red block. I don't see any "banner" folders in my zip either. Please help.
  14. V

    Bug Unconfirmed payments after goal reached?

    Hey I was wondering if this is a bug or not. Whoever donates after goal has been met is set automatically for unconfirmed? Maybe it is in the settings and I am not seeing it? Thanks
  15. R

    Bug Bug in 1.2.1 page check code causing an entire area to become a link

    Hey Ozzy I was tracking down an issue introduced in 1.2.1 for us and I have found the fix already but it actually appears to be on your end. When you removed the donate button for vbdonate.php?do=donate as per this persons request...
  16. IcEWoLF

    Bug Inaccurate % on sideblock module.

    Hi Ozzy, for some reason even after reaching over 100% goal the sideblock bar color doesn't update to full. The main goal bar on the forums is updated to full. Could you please look into this?
  17. V

    Bug Donation amount stuck

    Hey there I received complaints that the donation amount is stuck when someone tries to donate (only gives you 1 option). I believe it was for chrome version. Could use a little help. Thanks :)
  18. Drahnier

    Bug vBDonate Database error

    I got this in an email; Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `dbtech_vbdonate_donations` ( userid, amount, dateline...
  19. bszopi

    Legacy vBSlider v3.0 Beta 2 Feedback Thread

    Ozzy47, GoodApples, glagrow, Webbstre, CoZmicShReddeR, San, IcEWoLF, Trekkan, steris56 Ok guys, I just wanted to start this thread to see how testing is going on v3, get some feedback from you guys, and also give you an update on what I am currently working on for Beta 3. First off, I...
  20. Nirjonadda

    Question How to Add Drop Down To a Sublinks

    Hello Ozzy47 ! How to Add Drop Down To a Sublinks Menu for Second Navbar ? I tried to use them , you can help me for create sublink,drop down to a sublinks ,Drop Down Navbar,you can create this on my forum ? my current vB NavTabs version v1.1.3 but how i can upgrade latest version of v1.2.0,i...