
  1. heyzeus909

    Question Database Error On Every Page Load

    FYI - the 'Click here to buy' link for vBGallery on the main forum page doesn't work. It appears to be missing the product id number: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbecommerce.php?do=purchase&productid= On to my issue, which really isn't a "How Do I?" issue but I'm not sure that it's...
  2. M

    [PAID - 200 $] Extend "like, thanks, dislike" also to other part of my community

    [PAID - 200 $] Extend "like, thanks, dislike" also to other part of my community I can pay a coder that extend "post thanks, lol, like" also to vbtube, vbwall, vbgallery and other things. I wait your offer.
  3. A

    Question Photo enlarge option not showing

    Hi, i have installed Gallery Lite but i would buy Gallery Pro and import photos from vBGallery, but i don't see in your gallery photo enlarge option! :( How can i enlarge uploaded photo? For my forum this feature is very important! Thanks Antonio
  4. S

    Question Error - File path is not writeable.

    I installed Lite in my test forums and even imported my photopost galleries. Went smooth. Should have taken that as a warning. :) I just installed pro into my live forums and when I try to upload or import a photo I get errors. I see the errors are permission denied but I'm not sure where to...
  5. Solein

    Bug Gallery and fixed width themes

    When the image got a wider width the "Viewing Image" screen shows very buggy on fixed themes. Lets see the error on Dragonbyte web (see the attached image). How can I fix this?. I want the the image and the right info panel properly placed into the fixed width limits.
  6. bzcomputers

    Bug vbGallery import only importing one account (admin account)

    When trying to import from vbGallery it only imports one user account, the admin. I only have a few people who have uploaded images already but after trying multiple attempts each time it would only import the one account along with all the categories.
  7. Trekkan

    Question Can't login to adminCP, get PHP error

    - Delete this, I'm an idiot and shouldn't of gotten up this morning.
  8. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Image Attachments

    A lot of my members add pictures to their posts as attachments. Would there be a way of incorporating this into vBGallery?
  9. IcEWoLF

    Legacy scrollable UI for forumhome

    Hi Dylan, lets consider adding this on forumhome for vBGallery: Minimal setup for scrollable I also like the boxed idea and then the images inside of it, so that way the gallery mod is not too big and it won't take up too much space. It would enhance the overall look of the forums and it would...
  10. IcEWoLF

    Bug After upgrading none of the admincp settings work

    Hi Dylan, when vBGallery is enabled none of the options in admincp work. I click save disable or enable boards, it doesn't work it takes me to a blank page, basically I can't make any changes to anything in AdminCP unless I disable vBGallery
  11. IcEWoLF

    Question Any change from vBGallery Beta 5 to Gold?

    Hi there, http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f4/dragonbyte-gallery-1-0-0-gold-released-8112/ Has there been any changes from Beta 5 to Gold when it was released?
  12. IcEWoLF

    Legacy More suggestions (design wise)

    Hi Dylan, 1. Could add a more neutral border for the frames for vBgallery? Right now it goes blue, white and blue again, created a frame effect, I like the idea of the frame, but I think the frame should be much thinner and lose the blue color and make it with one color only (black or white...
  13. IcEWoLF

    Bug vBGallery beta v5 Database error

    I am getting the following error: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT widgetid FROM cms_widget WHERE title = 'Dragonbyte Gallery' && description = 'Dragonbyte Technologies : Gallery Content'; MySQL Error : Table...
  14. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Suggestions for latest vBgallery

    Couple suggestions: 1. The comments icon, could this be re-done so the white box in the background doesn't show? I know this will not be an issue with white templates, but it would be with dark skins. If we could remove the box surrounding and keep the icon only it would be a great. 2. The...
  15. W

    vbGallery Suggestion

    This is aimed at Dylan, since the vbGallery forum isn't open to me right now. Here's what my problem is: For my site's video gallery I use something called vbTube. It's cool in that you can have users simply put in a link (like a Youtube URL or Dailymotion URL) and it will pull the meta data...
  16. Dylan

    Legacy Asthetic changes question for testers

    I was talking with Fillip H. about the layout of the gallery. He is in favor of using a more standard vB type layout with the headers and boxes and doing more of a type of layout like vBGallery. I'm thinking it looks better more free form like I have it. I asked Cosmic about it as the tie...
  17. S

    Legacy Better looking mirror links?

    Would be great if there was a function to name the mirror-links. The raw link looks a bit ugly if it´s too long. Regards SZ
  18. T

    Legacy Live feed additional data sources

    Any chance of getting a content type added for photopost vbgallery and vba dynamics? I would gladly buy the pro version for those features alone.
  19. Markus79

    Legacy Live Feed & User Wall Sideblock

    Hey, at first time let me say, that this is a great Addon. I have some suggestion for this addon. Statusupdate from forumhome. I saw in the template dbtech_livewall_block_entries and put the textarea in the block template. It works fine and user use that but they don't want look everytime to...
  20. mrderanged

    Question Integration Problem

    Hey Guys, I seem to be having an integration problem with my forums. First let me start by saying the product itself seems to be working fine. I have two other major addons, photopost vbgallery & vbadvanced links. If I am on a gallery page and click on the activity link in the navbar, the...