
  1. Force

    Bug Maintenance Option

    Running all options in Maintenance I get the error in the screenshot also tested it on my test forums same error
  2. karel1985


    Hello Everybody, My name is Karel, i'm new here. What to know about me: I'm webmaster at PC Helpforum - Gratis hulp bij computer problemen, a free dutch computer support forum with more than 25000 members. Some days a ago i bought the vbOptimize and VBmail PRO products (both brandfree). I...
  3. J

    Bug Database Error Upon Installation

    Greetings First of all I am beginning to get a bit worried. This is the second database error I have encountered with a Dragonbyte product. The first was the removal of a key database table upon uninsallation of vbQuiz reported here...
  4. CharlieDelta

    Bug Conflict with "Warning to Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" mod on VB.org

    There is a conflict with this mod (vBMail) and "Warning to Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" mod http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showt...60#post2250060 With vBMail disabled the warning mod works as it should. I disabled all mods one by one and found vBMail to be the conflicting mod. :(
  5. MudRacing

    Question Database error

    My Web Site has problems with the activation link for new users:
  6. CharlieDelta

    Bug Home tab not highlighted when selected

    When VBmail is enabled, specifically the 'Navbar Link' plugin, it causes the forum tab to be highlighted when the home tab is selected. With either the whole mod disabled or the 'Navbar Link' plugin the issue is resolved. I have checked all CMS permissions and is fine. I disabled all mods and...
  7. ClutchThese

    Bug VBMail error when trying to create mailing list.

    Any idea what would cause this when trying to create a new mail list in admincp? Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/vbmail/actions/admin/mailinglist.php on line 403
  8. ClutchThese

    Bug VBMail database error?

    I keep getting this email today after i did the upgrade. Database error in vBulletin 4.1.6: Invalid SQL: SELECT user.* FROM `dbtech_vbmail_message` AS dbtech_vbmail_message INNER JOIN user AS user ON(user.email = dbtech_vbmail_message.fromaddress) WHERE dbtech_vbmail_message.fromaddress...
  9. B

    Question Does 1.1.3 fix the conflict bug with PayPal?

    I'm currently running 1.1.2 of vbMail that I understand you provided a patch for (installed by vBulletin tech) that they spend a month trying to find. It was the bug where vbMail was crippling vBulletin's interaction with PayPal subscriptions and it's been working fine since the vBulletin tech...
  10. skylab

    Question New members not added?

    Hey. I'm a little confused on the setup. I created a mailing list and it imported everybody into the list. Great. But now anyone new registering, doesn't get added to the list. I also noticed the default usergroup called "members' for new members isn't even listed as a usergroup to manage in the...
  11. MudRacing

    Question Automatic email & unsibcribe link in mail

    Two questions: Can I automatically send an email when I write a new article? (How do I?) Can I insert the link in the email "[Unsubscribe]" with a text? (How do I?) Thanks
  12. djFarsang

    Bug Error after upload new ver 5.4.7 to host

    After upload new ver 5.4.7 to host, there are error following: Fatal error: VBSHOUT_CACHE::Registry object is not an object in [path]/dbtech/vbshout/includes/class_cache.php on line 86 #0 vb_error_handler(256, VBSHOUT_CACHE::Registry object is not an object...
  13. S

    Legacy Non-user sign ups and triggered emails

    Hi, perhaps these features already exist and I missed it in the manual, but here are my requests: 1 - can it be made possible to have guests of the forum sign up to be on a mailing list? for instance, they just input their email and confirm it. 2 - can a templated email be triggered by...
  14. skylab

    Bug Paid Subscription in vBulletin does not with with vBMail enabled

    I run a Paid Subscription forum on vBulletin. Users use the vBulletin built-in subscription option. I have only Paypal enabled. The way I have it setup: Once a user pays for a subscription, the user is moved into another usergroup. The issue: vBulletin isn't able to retrieve the information...
  15. Valcav

    Admin control panel help...

    First of all, I didn't really knew where to post this... It is something similar to 1 of my previous post (Something about the Admin control Panel...) where I +- asked how to order those DBTech tabs in the ACP... This time it's more to get "mods settings" in a "new tab"... What do I mean with...
  16. Valcav

    Suggestion: 1 forum with all links to the Manuals/User guides

    Hi, I have a little suggestion... I think there should be 1 forum with all the links to all the available manuals/user guides... My reasons for this suggestion?: No need to post a topic twice with the link to the documentation of the mod (currently once in lite & once in pro forum) I think...
  17. N

    Legacy Subscribe Form

    There should be functionality to add a subscribe form (for external mailing lists) that would be easily added to a widget on the CMS.
  18. T

    Question groups permission setting

    hi we have vbmail pro and in the settings permissions there are some groups missing, we are mainly conserned about the guests, where is the option to not show to guests group. thanks.
  19. barroca

    vbMail ... who can send?

    hello I'm interested in vBMail to replace 'send mail' in my vbulletin. I have a usergroup [marketing] to format and send emails, but I wish this usergroup access vBadmin without privileges to acccess other vbulletin functions. In other words: this group don't have moderation or admin...
  20. T

    vBMail Question

    We currently use newsletter software that is not integrated with vB. Is it possible to import its ASCII email list into vBMail so we don't have to start the newsletter subscribers from scratch?