
  1. SaN-DeeP

    Question Entries?

    one field in usergroup permissions - "Entries Auto Approved?", "Can Judge Entries?" May i know what does entries mean in ur mod? does it mean user results?? what does it mean by "Can Judge Entries?" thx.
  2. SaN-DeeP

    Question No vBQuiz button in navbar?

    Hello, I've just installed vBQuiz Pro. I'm not able to see vBQuiz button in navbar but can see in user profile. why so? Am i missing something? thx.
  3. SaN-DeeP

    Bug Overlap in userprofile page

    Hello, Overlap between vbquiz tab and view conversation link in profile page of some users. Screenshot: http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/5498/captureyxj.jpg i found it only in firefox and google chrome..fine in internet explorer. any solution?
  4. SaN-DeeP

    Legacy vBQuiz addon - Random Question/Fact below navbar

    http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/threads/3209-Paid-Random-Q-amp-A-Fact-belownavbar-on-each-page?p=18019#post18019 Posted paid request of separate mod here too.. But then i thought, it's also an good idea if you implement "Random questions/facts from vBquiz database or separate database" below...
  5. SaN-DeeP

    Legacy Request for Special Features

    plz chk http://www.elsevier-examzone.com/ , they r giving 30days free registration, chk their mock test and try to make similar changes in next update or current release if possible.. i'm not telling you to copy them, but just check their mock tests and result as well as breif explanation to...
  6. hachito

    Question Category Views

    Dylan I delete a category, which is the default Then I added another category When I enter vbquiz, are the two categories instead of a would know what the problem?
  7. hachito

    Bug Invalid Argument Error !! HELP !!!

    Help Me, i have this error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/vbquiz/actions/main.php on line 163
  8. R

    Question Nav Bar Integration

    So here, I see vBQuiz between vBSupport and Blogs. I have run through the settings on my installation, but cannot get it to appear on my forums. I also see no way to add a quiz from the Admin panel.
  9. R

    Bug Field 53 Error Upon Installation

    When uploading the xml file during installation, I get the following error:
  10. V

    Paid Request : 2 Modification request & 3rd better design/layout for forum

    2 Modification request & 3rd better design/layout for forum Vbulletin version 4.2.1 and support for future version update/bug support needed. Reply with your price for each work separately and combined if any discount. Checkout following file for more details of requested modifications...
  11. O

    Question New Version

    Hello, With reference to your email below. I have the pro lifetime license with free lifetime updates for Advanced User Tagging. (L.BRAND.USERTAG.1271VIN00AU http://ukmoney.tv) But, it says below "Advanced user Tagging will be going up in price next friday, so now is a good time to purchase...
  12. J

    vBQuiz and vBCredits integration

    http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/entries/145-User-Tagging-v2-upcoming-products-revealed... Based on that, vBQuiz is being worked on. Will users be able to earn credits from getting certain scores on quizes, etc?
  13. R

    Ability to add a streaming option...

    Hello, I was thinking... is there any plans to let admins have the flexibility to add a video player in the Download item's page if it's a video. So for example, someone clicks on a gameplay video in the Downloads section and it brings them automatically to a Streaming version of the video...
  14. N

    how to add Questionnaire in new thread

    hello how are you all? hope you are good i have forum and i'd like to add Questionnaire for some forum whene memebers try to write new post in this forum they must answer this qustion. like here you ask me "Prefix" i'd like to add more option like radio butten example: this post for: male...
  15. kolenoblata

    Transfer from [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack

    Well, I know it is available only for paid version but I saw somewere you are telling that it is possible to transfer from 7.7 version which is made for 3.8.x VB. What about last version of that hack 7.8.2 for those how already running it on 4.0.x? Also, I didn't want to open another thread...
  16. DragonByte Technologies

    vBQuiz Suggestions

    One of our upcoming products is a Quiz modification for vBulletin 3.8.x and 4.x Please feel free to suggest/request features in here. No guarantee they'll be added, but I'll look at the merits of each one and decide whether or not we can fit it into the schedule. Cheers, Cosmic