
  1. Bravo

    Bug Email on Banned IP

    Bel, I was looking into a banned IP and I could never find the email alerting me about the action. looking via phpmyadmin I do see the entry in the dbtech_vbsecurity_loginstrike. But I never got the email on that one and a few others, I do get the emails though, apparently not all of them...
  2. Bravo

    Bug Ban IP?

    Got a question about Banning IP. I setup Mass Login Failure to ban ip and contact web master. I got the email vBSecurity has detected a security alert regarding Failed Mass Logons: [00:26, 11th Dec 2011] Attempted User Names: borexarmSteer, TobmofAvefe, peeserogs, rfdldajjueid, zoolodugBleli...
  3. Bravo

    Bug Clean Up Installation Directory

    Not having a "install" directory give his error on top of the Security Recommendation page. Warning: scandir(/home/*/public_html/vb/install) [function.scandir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/*/public_html/vb/dbtech/vbsecurity/actions/admin/security.php on line 180...
  4. C

    Legacy Automatic index checking and restoration

    I think your security mod would be even better if you could have it run checks of active files against versions stored off site for unauthorized changes. Here is a blog discussing it: Protect your web pages – automagically with perl | Grey Fuzz Then, if an unauthorized change occurs the file...
  5. Fillip H.

    Manual / User Guide

    To view the documentation for this mod, please click here: DragonByte Tech Documentation If you have a question not answered by the manual, please post a new issue with the Question category in the modification's support forum, and one of our support agents will reply A.S.A.P. :)
  6. Fillip H.

    Manual / User Guide

    To view the documentation for this mod, please click here: DragonByte Tech Documentation If you have a question not answered by the manual, please post a new issue with the Question category in the modification's support forum, and one of our support agents will reply A.S.A.P. :)