
  1. F

    Question Integrate vBCredits into vBShop...

    Maybe I'm wrong in the way I'm thinking about this, but I assumed that I could integrate vBCredits into vBShop and when credits are earned during the various activities throughout the site, those credits could be used directly in the shop. However when I look to set up the currencies in vBShop I...
  2. F

    Question Add personal items, plus other questions...

    Ok... I actually have a few different questions about adding vBShop as well as vBCredits to my site. I know this isn't the vBCredits forum and I have asked the appropriate questions there, however there may be some overlap. Here goes... A- My site is a paid membership forum and has some free...
  3. Morrus

    What combination of products do I need to..

    I know what I want to do, but I'm not too sure on the combination of products I need to do it. I think it might be some kind of instersection between Awards, Shop, and Credits. -- I want to be able to sell - as microtransactions - small icons which display on a user's postbit, profile, and in...
  4. Nirjonadda

    vBShop work with Other Users

    Hello Does vBShop work with Other Users? Have a all option like Point Market System 3.1x? Other Users - Change Custom User Title - Gift a Gift (Give a Gift to Other Users) - Donate to Another User - Steal From a User - Fire a Moderator - Change Avatar Does supports importing from Point Market...
  5. C

    Legacy Post Count Event

    I just thought of this idea.. Well, I wanted to make it so that people could get my exclusive credits by achievements.. such as post count. For example; Every time they reach 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, etc (multiples of 1k post count) posts, they receive however many of my...
  6. C

    Legacy At least be able to see username's of who purchased what item

    Hello, It has come to my attention that this feature is only available in the Pro version of vBShop. I think this is absurd. We should at least be able to see the usernames of people who bought what item that is available in our store, without getting a PM notification. I know that you can...
  7. Vcize

    Question Trouble with profile customization

    I'm having some trouble with the profile customization item. Simply put, after buying the profile customization item in the shop, the "customize profile" option is still not available in the usercp. This is with profile customization disabled globally in the admincp. If I enable it globally...
  8. C

    Bug Purchase button not working

    Ever since I upgraded from the beta version (think it was b2.5.0? or something), the Purchase buttons have been broken. I provided the URL to the shop and made it so unregistered users can see the shop, however, if you need sensitive details, such as FTP/AdminCP, I can provide via PM...
  9. C

    Legacy Icon Itemtype

    Hi, I emailed you guys about this but didn't receive a definite answer, so I thought I'd put a feature request in. Currently for vB 4.x, I know a forum custom work was done on to implement an icon itemtype, allowing users to purchase icons that could be placed by their username, under their...
  10. Unfolded

    Legacy Copyright Text

    Hello, I use alot of vB Products as you well know, One particular copyright caught my eye down the bottom of my website since it looks all out of places and uneven due to Donation System provided by vBDonate (Pro) - vBulletin Mods & Addons. Copyright © 2013 DragonByte Technologies Ltd We know...
  11. Vcize

    Question Custom item -> sql query

    I run the occasional contest/giveaway (for real physical goods) on my forum. I would like to allow users to buy entries to the contest with credits through vbshop. For the entries, I have a table that stores the userid, date, and contest name each time they make an entry. As such, I'd like to...
  12. heyzeus909

    MP3 and/or YouTube in Profile

    I was looking over vBShop, which I find intriguing but not sure it fits my forum, and came across this in the description: It's my goal to have the profile pages on my forum as customizable and interesting as possible. Not having customizable profiles is a big drawback for Facebook, as far...
  13. Unfolded

    Question Transactions put into vbshop instead of navbar?

    Like it is on this website. Transactions in vBshop instead of on Navbar
  14. H

    Question vBShop Feature Usergroup Change Request

    Hello I am Co owner of GameBlaze.net and My frien (owner) has this Plugin as Pro but I have seen that the usergroupchange of the primary usergroup change doesn't work such as it doesn't go back to the old usergroup he/she had how can I fix this?
  15. U

    Legacy Direct link to a Shop Category?

    How can you directly link to a shop category? Example: DBT Shop: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbshop.php#1 The Armory: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbshop.php#2 Problem: The Armory's link actually goes to DBT Shop.
  16. D

    Question Few Questions about vBShop

    Hey i purchased vBshop yesterday and have few questions about it. The main reason i bought this product was for the usergroup change item and i was wondering on how to extend a users item duration. Also on the expiration or discard of the item does the usergroup of the user go back to the...
  17. O


    1. What module is the 'Music Player' feature, which you can see at the link below, a part of? 2. And under most posts you have 'Test the custom button feature' When you click this it just says 'Overhere tested custom buttons' - what is this? What is this a test for? What mod? Thanks.
  18. T

    Question Change log?

    Where do you guys keep the change log?
  19. T

    Loyalty Points

    I buyed for 1000 us$ products here and get only Loyalty Points: 6,672, seems some wrong with this. regards
  20. S

    Looking for the right product to buy

    Hello, First post here. I'm bit confused about the right product to my forum so I think is best to explain what I need. I was looking around vBCredits, vBDownload and vBShop. Maybe I need all three, who knows. I have an small programmers forum where programmers uploads scripts and/or...