
  1. angus

    Legacy Clean Up: Preview Files

    It´s possible to integrate a function that cleans up the \images\signatures folder ? After 5 days in use there are already more than 200 files! A lot of these are empty ones (because of clicking the "Preview Signature" Button before setting the signature parts) or other preview files. And I´m...
  2. KristerSwe

    Legacy Add different Avatar Styles as vbSig

    Had like to see Add styles also for vBAvatars as well .... So you can have similar as vbsignature . More avatar styles :) Had like to use in another way as well
  3. KristerSwe

    Question Showing old default signature

    On vBSignature home is still show the old default signature. i have click save and assign the new one. athe new work as assigned but every time i go back to Sig Home is still showing the old default one .. in Current Signature Configuration
  4. KristerSwe

    Bug Save Signaure from new set dont get saved, and text not show up

    First of all thanks for the fix for the fonts. works now. Have added almost all layers and parts and wanted to test it and add text etc edited the text regions and added the regions i wanted,all fine in ACP also the preview worked.. When i go to vBSig as user and try to assign a signature...
  5. angus

    Question Add Text but nothing happens

    What is the trick to add a custom text to the signature? When managing a text region in the ACP the demo image to set coordinates is shown. But after clicking the "Preview Text Region" button nothing happens. (All necessary fields are filled out) Same in the VBSiganture User Interface out of...
  6. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Branding Free: vBSignatures

    Regarding the Branding Free: vBSignatures the license isn't working
  7. KristerSwe

    [SUG][vBSig] Ability to have link on graphic

    Have some new ideas for vBavatar and vBSignature.. ex: Admin add a new part and have option link on/off ex: User buy a new avatar (part) and can add a link for that part. What you think ?
  8. angus

    Bug Setting "Can Access - Checkboxes" will not be saved

    The saving of setting the "Can Access - Checkboxes" under "Editing Signature Style" seems not to be working correctly. When re-enter the "Editing Signature Style" page all checkboxes are on its originally place --> Standard. So you still have access to the Signature Style you have banned before.
  9. angus

    Bug Impossible to add new Signature Style

    When trying to add a new signature style the message: "Ein erforderliches Feld title fehlt oder enthält eine ungültige Angabe. (A required field title or contains an invalid number) is shown up always. But there is no field empty or filled with an invalid number.
  10. C

    Video Sharing Mod

    you guys should make a video sharing mod a real one not like (vbtube) something that will have all the options admin would need like Permission Setup to groups by Categories a live streaming option with vbshout in it real ads support for like prerow ads, all that that plus more and with the...
  11. CoZmicShReddeR

    Custom Website Signature list

    I was thinking to have a page with website signatures showing a list of custom signatures that people can use on other forums to advertise your website? Have it where you can create what you want to use as a image, information to display in the signature like website stats... Years ago I used to...