
  1. Nirjonadda

    Free Mod In Customer Area

    Please can you make it work Free Mod Show In Customer Area for which mod I am already downloaded?
  2. Papa Bear

    Question New Feature

    In your news release it states it adds a new parameter to the VB Config.php for whitelisting I.P.'s ..after upgrading to version 1.02 and looking over my config.php file I assume we have to add the "$config['TwoFactor']['ipwhitelist']" to the file ourselves...
  3. Papa Bear

    Bug Unable to download

    Sense the release of the new version V1.02 that was released last night 04-28-2014 we are unable to download the product...This is the error that we get when we try to download it.. Generating Download Unable to read the source files to generate the download. Please contact an administrator.
  4. AnjaC

    Bug Update error on 1.0.14

    Hi! When we update any modification we always close the board during the install and file upload process. When updating dbseo to the latest version we can´t open or reclose the board because of the following error: Warnung: require([path]/dbtech/dbseo/hooks/admin_options_processing.php)...
  5. Grumpy

    Bug Updated to 1.1.3 and now no usergroup has access to ads

    I updated to 1.1.3 and now no one has access to ads including myself [admin]. I changed no settings in the user group(s).
  6. clubcooee

    Bug newest pro version:vBShout (vB5) v6.1.0a7 "Editing Instance:" can't be saved.

    newest pro version:vBShout (vB5) v6.1.0a7 "Editing Instance:" can't be saved. Well I only wanted to show the smilies button, but the normal "Edit Instance" won't let me save my settings. I had to give access to my members by using the "Quick Instance Permissions Setup" cause the "usual" way of...
  7. P

    Question Anyone gotten this to work in Tapatalk?

    Supposedly Tapatalk plugin v5.0.0 adds support for this product, but I haven't seen anyone that said they got it working. We're using vB 4.2.2 PL1 and the latest 3.2.5 PL2 version of this product. Anyone got it working?
  8. P

    Question Documentation broken!

    Hi, I just downloaded and installed the latest version of this paid, pro version. I'm fairly disheartened to see the documentation is broken! The documentation.html that came in the .zip file is all sorts of broken. The installation steps have no details, the steps just have the same thing as...
  9. scottct1

    Bug Question Before Purchase

    I want to buy your package, but I am having trouble with the light version. The way I am setup, my default tab in Navigation manager is the "Forum" When I enable your product, if a user does something like clicks on new posts (which is a search), the line of options on the second row...
  10. GeekLingo

    Bug Not displaying thread title & issue with footer

    I have 2 issues atm with this mod on my VB5 install. When the footer is enabled - site won't render Thread titles are not being displayed in sidebar widget
  11. Z

    Bug Big upload error

    hello, I want to increase the weight of the file to be transferred. at first I increased the size of the files Rar application/zip 55.03 Mo Non disponible Non disponible [Manage] [Remove] zip application/zip 55.03 Mo Non disponible Non disponible [Manage] [Remove] I uploaded a 15MB...
  12. Drahnier

    Bug Buttons Not Working after Move - PHP Version Issue? (vB 4.2.2)

    This isn't really a bug, but was the best of the category options available. Sorry! I recently moved my site over to a new host and installed upgraded versions of all the server software. One of these upgrades was moving the PHP version from 5.3 to 5.5, which is not officially supported by vB...
  13. V

    Advanced Post Thanks

    Hello. I have a question. The mod "Advanced Post Thanks" lets give thanks in the articles of the CMS? I can not find the option. It is a choice of the pro version? Or is there some mod DragonByte to give thanks or to mark in some way the articles of the CMS? thanks
  14. B

    Question Database errors

    Hello Need some help ... today get many database errors Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO aaggregate_temp_1398445800 SELECT attachmentid, COUNT(*) AS views FROM attachmentviews GROUP BY attachmentid; MySQL Error : Incorrect file format 'attachmentviews'...