
  1. Mokonzi

    Navbar/Postbit Mod Suggestions

    I've been thinking a bit about throwing some suggestions on things that could be developed by DBTech, one of which is the following combination of ideas, partially based on an irritation of vB4's design. Notice: On reduced window sizes with this many navbar options, a wrapping problem...
  2. magmf

    Guest Page generation times

    can you add something to html like one html comment like <!-- Dynamic page generated in 0.457 seconds. --> <!-- Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2010-04-21 13:35:36 --> obviously this for "Guest Full Page Caching"
  3. K

    Higher Site Generating Time

    After installing vB Optimise Lite the page generating time increased from around 2seconds to 3seconds. The queries decreased from 19 to 15-17 on forumhome. This does the page generating time increases so much?