
  1. G

    moving hosts.... no more OpCache Operators..... what are my options?

    Hi, I have to move hosts and the new place doesn't allow for the install of any OpCache Operators. Is there anything that can be used on a shared hosting platform running CentOS on Linux where I have no control to install anything? Is there anything already built in that works or are all...
  2. P

    high cpu usage :(

    hi, I installed Vboptimise pro. I did the settings for Vboptimise. cpu usage has not diminished. my server information: Server Information Server Information Processor Information Processor #1 Vendor: GenuineIntel Processor #1 Name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5420 @ 2.50GHz...
  3. C

    vbO 3.0 beta "fetch cache" broken

    vb 3.8.5 vbo 3.0 beta php 5.3.3 w/php-fpm, compiled from source Problem: "Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration" during 'System Test' I have tried memcache, apc, and xcache --- all latest versions compiled...
  4. H

    Warning: apc_store() [function.apc-store]: Potential cache slam averted for key 'vbo_

    Hi, Currently I'm having this error message popping up randomly: Warning: apc_store() [function.apc-store]: Potential cache slam averted for key 'vbo_vb.optimiser.stats' in [path]/vboptimise/core/class_operator_apc.php on line 50 See screenshot: What is causing this and what to do to...
  5. N

    Best Opcache Operator, forum faster

    Hi all. I was wondering, what is the fastest Opcache Operator option?. I am trying to test them, but I really don't understand what any of them do, or what to do when I pick them. The only one I understood was the Filecache because it says, "will store data directly on your hard drive in the...
  6. H

    Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data.

    Hi all, We've just installed vBoptimise. With the System Test, only the Fetch Cache gives an error: Our webhost is running Memcache on its webserver. What can we do to fix this problem? Thanks in advance.
  7. R

    Problem with Cache Settings

    When I'm in the AdminCP, if I go to Cache Settings, and change any of the settings and press and press SAVE, I get a white page and none of my changes have been saved. Any ideas?
  8. W

    Two potential problems?

    So I'm trying to track down the source of my unusually high server usage. After fiddling with vbShout I started looking at the vbOptimise options. Some were easy to set to a more efficient setting, but two things came up as problems: 1- When trying to switch my attachments to the file system it...
  9. H

    XCache Authentication Failed

    I just tried system test and flush cache after installing xcache and VBO today. Like a few people before me, they got to this step and then ran into a problem. (xcache authentication failed message and "Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please...
  10. B

    What are the optimal settings for vBOptimize?

    Hi, I purchased vBOptimize a few months ago and each and every time I use it, my server crashes due to insufficient memory. Initially, after enabling the product, it works. The forum is faster, it is caching, there are no errors (that I have seen or have been reported at least), and all looks...
  11. I

    vBShoutbox overloading the server

    Hi, I have a dedcated quadcore Xeon Server with 4GB of ram and currently I am running only one forum on this machine! I am monitoring the server since last few days, vbshoutbox is overloading the MySQL hence increasing the load on the server! my server load average shoot to 6+ when 9 users...
  12. C

    vbop 2.3.0 and XCache 1.3.0 cache misses

    Hi, I just purchased and install vB 2.3.0 today. Running on vb 3.8.5 with xcache 1.3.0 on php 5.3.2 and nginx and php-fpm, on a core i7 860 with 12gb. It's been running about 2 hours and is reporting about 80,000 queries saved, so that's exciting. However, I took a peek over at my XCache...
  13. P

    Forum isn't working right...

    I notice it will do this if I disable VBOptimise Pro.. Invalid SQL: UPDATE test_session SET newposts = newposts+1 WHERE NOT ISNULL(newposts); MySQL Error : Unknown column 'newposts' in 'where clause' Error Number : 1054 Request Date : Saturday, May 15th 2010 @ 07:45:04 AM Error Date ...
  14. I

    Vboptimize: unable to store data

    Hi, I just installed the Xcache 1.3.0 on my server and also installed vboptimized 2.3.0 on vbulletin 4.0.3 PL1. When I run the system test from the vboptimize admincp option it failed on the thrid test: Running Test: Connection to xcache Test completed successfully Running Test: Store Cache...
  15. D


    My host tells me I have it, however I get this message when I attemt to utilize it with vB Optimise Pro. Is there anything in the php.ini file I need to change? I checked my php.info.
  16. D

    CMS Homepage also caches for logged in users

    Hi Deceptor, My website uses vBulletin CMS. The cms page use nearly 200 queries each request. Although vB Optimise have guest cache for CMS but I it should also add CMS cache for logged in users (cache for 10s, 20s, 30s, cache all except memberinfo). This will save a lot of queries to DB and...
  17. I

    VBOptimize Pro questions

    Before I buy vboptimize pro I have few questions to ask: 1 -What is the server requirements for vboptimize pro? and what's the best cache system for it? I know it can work with various cache system but I would like to know the one which the developer recommend for it. 2 - Is it fully...
  18. S

    Which is the best Opcache Operator?

    Hello, I own my dedicated server so i could install any Opcache Operator, which one is the best for speed and server load?. I installed vB Optimise pro yesterday and i tested it with XCache and now with Memcached, the pages speed is very good but i don't see any difference in load, with/out vB...
  19. kolenoblata

    Flush Cache

    Hello, Just installed 2.0.1 lite version for 3.8 forum . Everything is ok except Flush Cache. When I click on it I don't get anything, just blank field. Also, when I go to system test, flush cache just going and going Edit: Another problem. When I try to edit eny template I am geting blank...
  20. M

    Errors in self-testing

    I am German and my Englich is bad. so sorry for my spelling:) I got this error when running test Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration. How can I make this right??? Another problem is that I get the flush...