Bug A bug with redirect-to urls (html entities)?

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Hello. I am a user at one of the forums that recently purchased and started using DBSeo, although I am not the admin. I do know that it's 3.8.x vBulletin. I can ask for the exact version -- probably the latest patch there is, I don't think it matters. I've also replicated this exact problem in my own test setup on my PC with vBulletin 3.8.7, so I wrote in this version.

There are problems with some of the external urls in posts, when Anonymize External URLS is set to YES and the url has symbols: & '

So, since I am also a coder myself, I've downloaded DBSEO lite to look at the code, and I think I might have found where this problem is coming from.

In url.php:
                // Ensure external URLs have redirects
                $url = DBSEO::$config['_bburl'] . '/redirect-to/?redirect=' . urlencode(strtr($url, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES))));

In dbseo.php - for some reason it does not let me paste this snippet here in any way I try (size limit?), so, see if (DBSEO_URL_QUERY_FILE == 'redirect-to/') { $redirectUrl = str_replace(a - Pastebin.com

There are 2 of what I believe to be bugs

1) (url.php) Through a little bit of hacking, I've established that when it reaches that code in url.php, if there was an apostrophe in the url, in the $url variable it is at this point represented by html entity & # 39 ; The existing code seemed to try to remove entities, but it will not remove this one, and neither did get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401) when I tried it, because the latter only has 039 (the difference is in leading zero). Something like this can decode this html entity back to the ASCII apostrophe character:
$url = DBSEO::$config['_bburl'] . '/redirect-to/?redirect=' . urlencode(html_entity_decode($url, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401));
When I changed url.php code this way, it takes care of the url with apostrophe problem in my test setup. Maybe there is a more optimal way, this is just something I've seen working.

2) (dbseo.php) There is a second, independent problem, in dbseo.php. In some of these string replacements / regular expression replacements going on. Looks to me they might convert " and & to the corresponding html entity. But I think this is invalid, because afterwards this will be written to HTTP header value, which is *not HTML*, therefore html entities should not be in it. So perhaps the line should be replaced with the following?
$redirectUrl = $_GET['redirect'];
Making this change takes care of the problem with ampersands in urls. The way I read HTTP specs # 4.2 Message Headers, it's valid without those string replacements.


Two of the test urls I used, that did NOT redirect properly in my test setup, but do work after the above 2 code changes.


Hope this might be of some help in finding and fixing anonymizing/redirect feature with these kinds of urls.
Thank you for the very detailed report :)

I'll have to do some investigation in order to ensure that this doesn't open us up to XSS exploits, I'll report back once I've completed my testing :)
Update: Initial tests would indicate that your code changes are not vulnerable to XSS or any other exploits commonly known to me. I'll implement them in the next version.

Thanks! :)
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