Lee G

New member
Hi guys, hopefully you can help with a couple of questions, related to your posts over at the org

First off about the Thank You mod
Are you planning on integrating email notification into the Thank You mod
So when someone gets a thanks, they get a feel good email

And you have mentioned on the org, that you are doing a quiz mod for both 3.8 series and 4 series
Is there any news on the progress on this, thats if you are still going ahead with the mod

Thanks in advance for any feedback
Cheers Lee
We are planning on improving the notification options on the Thanks mod during the next update. More or less all of our products will be undergoing updates oct through dec.

vBQuiz iz still a work in progress, Deceptor is coding it however his attention has been pulled in other directions recently (specifically helping with the RPG) so progress has been slower than we would like. It's still on his to be done list though =)