Implemented A Quick-Buy Option

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As I'm getting my forum members to use this more, one request that comes up is a quick-buy option. I apologize if this was already addressed elsewhere, or if it's already a feature I've somehow missed.

Currently, the steps involved are:
  1. Go to Shop
  2. Select Category
  3. Select Item.
    1. This leaves the Category page.
  4. Click Purchase on the Item page.
    1. This creates the Purchase Item pop-up.
  5. Set Quantity and click Add to Cart.
    1. This refreshes the Item Page.
  6. Go to Cart.
    1. This leaves the Item Page.
    2. This is a second location to change quantity before purchasing.
  7. Click Purchase.
    1. This leaves the Shop. If a user wants to go back and purchase another item, it's another series of clicks.

That's a lot of steps, essentially forcing the user to say five times, "I want to buy this." This is not a make-or-break feature, but a QOL improvement that I think could encourage more interaction with the Shop, which in turn leads to more purchases. I can understand why some of the steps are here, of course, but would it be possible to add a 'quick buy' option in the Shop that would bypass some of these extra steps, and either A) immediately purchase 1 of the item (with a confirmation pop-up) or B) immediately add 1 of the item to the cart? Alternatively, if Quick-buy isn't an option, some of these steps are redundant with each other and could probably be phased out.

Ideally, if a user wants to purchase five different items in the same category, I'd like them to be able to at least add all five to the Cart without leaving the category page.

On the whole, this has been a fantastic product for me as an admin, I'm now just looking at how it feels from the user perspective.
Upvote 2
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello @kbryant414,

Thank you for your suggestion for DragonByte Shop. Your request will be reviewed by a member of our team shortly.

Unless there are any problems preventing these features from being added to the product, this thread will not receive another reply until it is time to review logged feature requests for implementation.

We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve our products!

- DragonByte Tech Staff
I’ll put this as On Hold so it can be looked at, but I just wanted to let you know users can buy multiple items at once by repeating steps 3-5 before moving on to step 6.
I’ll put this as On Hold so it can be looked at, but I just wanted to let you know users can buy multiple items at once by repeating steps 3-5 before moving on to step 6.

Of course, if they navigate back to the shop or category. It becomes time-consuming and frustrating when a user wants to purchase multiple different items, to the point where many of mine only do 3-4 before deciding to come back later. The average user would otherwise be getting 15-20 items in the same session.

If a user wants to buy five items, it's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

I'd like it to be more like 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7.

As I said, it's not broken, this is just a quality-of-life improvement that I think would smooth the process.
I agree and second this feature request. It would be a lot easier to purchase items if you could add them to your cart from the shop page instead of having to go into the items' properties. To add to this, I think you'd also need to see the stock amount from the shop list if this feature was added.
This request is at least paritally fulfilled now with the new purchase buttons on grid, and item price links on list! :)

However, one small issue I noticed with this implementation now is that the cart is very hidden on mobile devices. When you add an item to your cart from the item pages like in the original functionality, the cart widget or whatever its proper name is, gets displayed under the purchase block so it's quite obvious to the user how to proceed.

Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 9.16.08 AM.webp

In contrast however, when you add an item to your cart from the main shop category pages using the new feature, there is no display of the cart anywhere. The cart is actually hidden under the "Categories" menu button.

Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 9.16.50 AM.webp

Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 9.16.57 AM.webp

My suggestion would be:
  1. Preferably, have the Cart widget or block somehow appear at the top of the Shop above the items on mobile when an item is in the cart, so it's clearly visible at the top after the page re-loads when adding an item to your cart. I know this might have to be a bit hacky with a special mobile cart widget that has a display: none; for desktop or something, but it would improve the experience a lot.
  2. If that is not possible or too much work required for now, re-name the Categories menu button to 'Cart and Categories' or something of the like.
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I don't think any adjustments available there would resolve the issue, although I'm not super familiar with the XF Widgets system.

To word it differently, the main issue here is that the cart on the shop page is part of the sidebar, and on mobile devices, this means the cart is hidden under the pop-out menu that contains the sidebar. The pop-out menu is also titled Categories, so it's not indicative that this where the user can find the cart.

This is fine if you are adding to the cart from an item's page because the cart is clearly visible there, but when you add to the cart from the shop page as part of this feature request, you have no easily visible cart.
Just want to add that after investigating the Widget options more, the only Display positions that exist for the Shop are sidebar/sidenav.

If there were display positions for above the Shop main page and category pages, like the 'Forum list: Above nodes' position for example, then that position could be used to partially solve the issue. (the user would still need to style the widget to not display above mobile width, but I understand that might go beyond expected support :) )

EDIT: I figured out how to do the mobile widget styling, so if you were able to add the additional display position, that would resolve this for me. In my humble opinion though, this is significant enough to be default behaviour in the add-on for everyone. :p
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Adding a vote for this. So much unnecessary friction to buy a product. 5 clicks and 2 page loads could be 2 clicks and one reload from the shop view. Would be great if this was an option.
Adding a vote for this. So much unnecessary friction to buy a product. 5 clicks and 2 page loads could be 2 clicks and one reload from the shop view. Would be great if this was an option.
It would be entirely impossible to have 2 clicks and one reload to get from purchasing multiple items in a shopping cart to checkout.
It would be entirely impossible to have 2 clicks and one reload to get from purchasing multiple items in a shopping cart to checkout.
Well no, I appreciate that many people will want multiple, but in my use case and surely many others it is unlikely people would be buying multiple things. Options are nice. Is there a way to redirect to the cart after adding to cart? I am comfortable with adding code if needed.
Well no, I appreciate that many people will want multiple, but in my use case and surely many others it is unlikely people would be buying multiple things. Options are nice. Is there a way to redirect to the cart after adding to cart? I am comfortable with adding code if needed.
You could use a custom add-on to extend the Item controller and the public function actionPurchase(ParameterBag $params) method, then you can inspect the return value - if it's a redirect, you can return a different redirect.
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DragonByte Shop

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
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