ya i wish he would add it,
paypal is spy, i havent use paypal in many years
bitcoin is freedom, bitcoin is future
i tell everyone buy bitcoin many years ago! no one believe me,
my mother laugh at me and say i am crazy and i am silly, she also hit me often
now bitcoin is $11,381
and i don't give any to my mother, i throw food at her and call her silly
lots of stores online start to accept bitcoin,
i buy amazon gift card with bitcoin
it is easy,
bitcoin will keep going up up up up...
it is good money against censorship
i hope filip add bitcoin so we can buy his add-ons using bitcoin
i dont know if filip even know what bitcoin is,
i think filip is still on the blue pill
i think someday he will wake up,
but usually its takes and event for someone to wake up and take the red pill
you dont find bitcoin, bitcoin find you..