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I am interested in purchasing Advanced Post Thanks / Like for my installation of vBulletin 3.8.7

I installed the version at -- [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB3) [AJAX] - Forum -- first to evaluate it. I followed the installation directions in readme.txt, but when it came time to install the product-dbtech_thanks.xml file, I encountered a problem. I clicked the Import button and nothing happened. I then made sure I was importing the correct file, which I was, and tried again. Still, nothing. I then looked around to see if it had installed anyway, but I found no evidence in my control panel (it's not listed in the Manage Products list). When I went to my message boards to see if everything was okay, I discovered I could not post without generating a Fast CGI error. My web host had to restart MySQL and IIS to clear that up. My boards are functioning properly again, but I'm not sure what I did wrong. I checked the installation directions again and I followed the directions. Is it possible I am not meeting a prerequisite?

I am running vBulletin 3.8.7 on PHP 5.2.17.

Thank you in advance for your help. I apologize if this was not the best place to ask the question!
What did the web host say was the error message displayed? That might hold the key.
Unfortunately that's not enough information for me to be able to assist. Please contact the host and get them to give you the full error message, if you don't have access to the log file yourself.
Do you have a very large post table? Most commonly, timeout issues on install occur on very large forums if the PHP process isn't allowed to wait long enough for MySQL to report that the post table was altered successfully.
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