Advanced Post Thanks


Hello, I have a question. I am currently using
vFCoders - Hide Hack v4 and Post Thank You Hack.
Now the question is, can your Advanced Post Thanks Mod do the same thing, for example hide certain content and when he has thanked you he can see the content?
Unfortunately I have the problem that the Post Thank You Hack makes 2 database entries every now and then, which is not good, and so I am looking for something new.
And would it also run on vbultin 4.2.5 with php 7?
Hi there,

Yes, APTL does have [HIDE] BBCode functionality. The post author can choose what reactions should be required (e.g. require only Thanks, require only Like, or require both Thanks and Like).
Hi there,

Yes, APTL does have [HIDE] BBCode functionality. The post author can choose what reactions should be required (e.g. require only Thanks, require only Like, or require both Thanks and Like).
Thanks and where can I get the hide bbcode do you happen to know because I would buy it
@Fillip H. So if I understand correctly, the APTL addon is already integrated into the Advanced Post Thanks or do I have to get it from somewhere else to make it work? And if so, where do I get it from?