Oro Jackson
I'd like to bring attention to this suggestion by my fellow administrator from our forum:
In the XF 1.5.x version of the shop, you could extend the duration of items by buying multiple of the same items(or different items promoting users to the same usergroup). However, in the 2.x version of the shop, this isn't possible? Our community was used to buying multiple versions to extend the duration of their items, however, now they cannot do this anymore. It would be greatly appreciated if this feature could be reintroduced to the 2.x version of the shop.

Pending - Stacking Ability
Hello. My name is Shion and I come from community Thriller Bark. I had addressed this weeks ago in XenForo, but I forgot to send this here after I was told to suggest it here (I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place, lol) Anyway my suggestion was for the ability to stack items in...