Legacy Anti AdBlocker Alert Box

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It would be nice to have an anti adblocker alert box for anyone using and adblocker that visits the site.
If we are going to sell ad space it should be our responsibility to at least notify and ask visitors to turn off their ad blocker.
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This will be implemented in the Gold version which is scheduled to release on Friday.

The "Please do not use an adblocker" image and CSS classes have been named so that adblockers hopefully won't trigger on them. It's also controlled by a stylevar.
So I am like 6 for 8 for feature requests being implemented so far.

Hmm. Are you looking for a part time beta tester? I work very cheap. :)
This will be implemented in the Gold version which is scheduled to release on Friday.

The "Please do not use an adblocker" image and CSS classes have been named so that adblockers hopefully won't trigger on them. It's also controlled by a stylevar.

Fillip H. was this implemented? I don't see any stylevar options and not seeing anything when testing ad blockers.
dbtech_forumads_noadblock_bg is the stylevar that controls this, and I can confirm it does indeed exist :)

That being said, it's not a foolproof method - if the adblocker is advanced enough, it could still find a way to block the <div> :(
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