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We have installed DBSEO on our backup server and notice a problem (see images attached) where DBSEO breaks the way the Navbar navbits image is displayed.

The correct working code is (for example) before DBSEO is:

<a href="/showthread.php?t=238407?t=238407">
<img class="inlineimg" src="" alt="Reload this Page" border="0" /></a>

... but when DBSEO is enabled it breaks:

<a href="">
<img class="inlineimg" src="" alt="[Solved] Increase the file system size" border="0" /></a>

.. and as you can see and read, the navbits URL is broken and the image does not show properly.
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Thank you!

We also found that there might be other instances where where this breaks when we use custom style vars for images; for example when we use a full URL for an image when serving from our CDN (content delivery network).

However, let's wait for the bug fix and I'll see if that fixes it!

Thanks for the quick reply!
CDNs are not currently supported, it will always prepend the forum URL to any image paths.

I'm not sure what you mean by custom stylevars for images?
Custom StyleVars are set in the StyleManager.. see attached as an example.

For example... if the image path for buttons is normally:


We change this to:


So the images load from another server (for performance reasons, obviously)

So, it's not really a "Supporting CDN" issue.. It is an issue of supporting the standard features in vBulletin to customize the path (and URL) for images as managed in the Style Manager (or using RRs).
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Aha, I see.

I'll run some tests, I'm gonna steal your URL and use it for my localhost test since I don't have any vB3 forums running in the wild :)
Update: I've confirmed that rewrites do not happen when the image path contains http:// - you'll be able to confirm this in Beta 8 :)

I uploaded the new b8 release files and the new b8 XML product file, and the error still exists, because (it seems) because DBSEO is still rewriting this URL:

Without DBSEO:

<a href="/showthread.php?p=302866869?p=302866869">
<img class="inlineimg" src="http:/" alt="Reload this Page" border="0" /></a>

with DBSEO on:

<a href="">
<img class="inlineimg" src="" alt="suspend a *background* running job" border="0" /></a>

So, DBSEO is rewriting to" ...

.. however, the problem is actually on our end somewhere, it seems, because the server name is but it is trying to get the image from a server not running DBSEO. I cannot find out where the problem lies on our end, so please tell me how to turn off DBSEO URL rewriting for these navbit images.

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When I get a chance, I'll find out why it's using the wrong server on our end... in the meantime.. that fixed it.

I'll check for other errors and keep testing.

Thanks for the excellent support.
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