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Hi there very sorry to be back and I'm sure this isn't due to your part of this again.
everything looks like its there but the buttons don't do anything. so if I click in Thanks nothing happens.

I promise to go away after this one :)

Please ensure that the dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries template has not been customised, as I see this display is lacking from your forum.

In addition, please open postbit_legacy and check that the following code is positioned at the very top of the template:
{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_start

And the following code is positioned at the very end of the template:
{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_end

This should then work :)
Nope they are both there in the first and last line of the script and the dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries looks ok

<vb:if condition="$show['dbtech_thanks_area']">
<li class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">
<div class="posthead">
<span class="postdate">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_post_thanks_like}</span>

<div class="postdetails" id="dbtech_thanks_entries_{vb:var post.postid}">
{vb:raw entries}

<vb:if condition="$actions">
<div class="postfoot">
<div class="textcontrols">
<span class="postlinking">
{vb:raw actions}

<script type="text/javascript">
var Thanks{vb:var post.postid} = new Thanks_Obj();
Thanks{vb:var post.postid}.init('{vb:var post.postid}');
// -->
Could you try setting the Cloud Location setting to Before Posts, then?

I know of some mod which generates a conflict - but I was never able to track down which mod it was :(
OK it sort of works is it meant to pop the site in a new window when you press a like or thanks ? and I get a 1 likes if I thanks the thread, is this right?

Could you update my account (Fillip H.) to have full admin rights, and I'll check it out tomorrow (it's 4am here so gonna turn in soon) :)
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