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First let me say I can't believe how complicated this "like/Dislike" system is. Why are there so many settings?

Anyway, let me gets started of things I don't understand and things that don't work.

Does not work
1) Cloud Display Style - The only one that works is Compact. Selecting 'Full' or 'No Header' displays nothing.

2) Setting "Manual Postbit Deployment" to yes does nothing. The buttons still display even though I didn't add the code to any template.

3) (Pro) Disable Button Text does nothing. No text displays regardless of whether this is "yes" or "no"

4) Like and Dislike buttons in threads don't do anything. When I click to "like" a post a new window pops up showing the "thumbs up" image.

Thinks I don't understand
1) (Pro) Enable "Buttons Clicked" in Profile, what is this do? I see no difference regardless if this is set to Yes or NO

2) On the Button Management page, when I edit a button there are 5 "Colour Settings". Why?

3) On Permissions for Buttons I don't understand what the following means. Please explain.
- Can Require Click
- Can Disable Click
- Is Immune

4) Button Exclusivity, completely lost as to what this is.

'Post Thanks / Like' in the profile postbit also is messed up, but only when collapsed is used. How do I remove that from the profile postbit?
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First let me say I can't believe how complicated this "like/Dislike" system is. Why are there so many settings?
You are literally the first person I have ever spoken to in my entire life who thinks it's a bad thing that a piece of software can do a lot of different things.

The reason why there are so many settings is because we have spent ~3 years making this the most powerful "Thanks" mod we could :)

1) Cloud Display Style - The only one that works is Compact. Selecting 'Full' or 'No Header' displays nothing.
This is most often the result of a bad custom skin. Please try this on a default (unmodified) style.

2) Setting "Manual Postbit Deployment" to yes does nothing. The buttons still display even though I didn't add the code to any template.
As per the descriptive text for that setting, it is not meant to allow you to deploy the buttons in a custom location, but the postbit information.

3) (Pro) Disable Button Text does nothing. No text displays regardless of whether this is "yes" or "no"
Please try editing and saving all your buttons, in case the phrases for the translation were not inserted for whatever reason.

4) Like and Dislike buttons in threads don't do anything. When I click to "like" a post a new window pops up showing the "thumbs up" image.
Please provide a screenshot, as this is the first time in the history of this mod that this issue has been reported.

Thinks I don't understand
You can find the answer to these questions in the documentation included with the mod, which can also be found here: DragonByte Tech Documentation

'Post Thanks / Like' in the profile postbit also is messed up, but only when collapsed is used. How do I remove that from the profile postbit?
I don't understand what you mean by "profile postbit".

When you are reporting style issues, please provide screenshots. It's impossible for me to determine what's wrong when all the information I have is "messed up".
Quote Originally Posted by mikez006 View Post
'Post Thanks / Like' in the profile postbit also is messed up, but only when collapsed is used. How do I remove that from the profile postbit?
I don't understand what you mean by "profile postbit


In the attached image under 'Post Thanks / Like' you can see there is a 2nd field that is empty and about 1/2 the height, it's also not aligned correctly. That's what I meant. I just want to remove that if it can't be fixed as its probably a theme issue.

I managed to find a combo of settings where it mostly works, however I'm running into a issue with the profile area.

Anytime I "Like" a post, the iTrader Feedback Score field is removed and the "Credits" are visually (not actually) reset to 0.

Right image is before the Like, left is after.
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That's not a bug. The same would happen if you were to use the Quick Edit function, it's simply a lack of integration with the "showpost.php" file.

It corrects itself when you refresh the page. Also, the highlighted areas are not a part of this mod, it's not up to me to ensure that mod integrates with that vB file.
Please provide a screenshot, as this is the first time in the history of this mod that this issue has been reported.

I have the same problem.
Yesterday I made an update to 4.2.2. and then the Like/Dislike buttons vanished. I updated the plugin and it didn't do anything. I deinstalled and reinstalled the plugin and now it shows the button but when you click them, it still says "0 like, 0 dislikes" and the box where theres normally "marianne likes this post" is completley blank.

It's in a template, not a file - dbtech_thanks_postbit is the template in question. I've got no experience with a skin that uses a boxed postbit layout like that so I wouldn't know what specifically causes it, sorry :(
I managed to fix the alignment issue by pulling the "dbtech_thanks_stat" phrase line out of the IF statement and changing it to DT instead of DD.

The extra empty table I sort-of fixed by removing a pair of DD tags so there's only one pair instead of two. It's still not right, but visually it looks a lot better so it'll work for me. My code for the dbtech_thanks_postbit template is below.

If anyone has a better solution for the extra empty table feel free to edit the code further.

<dt class="collapse" style="font-weight:bold; clear:both;">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_stats} </dt>

<vb:if condition="!$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_nocollapse']">

<a class="collapse" id="collapse_c_thanks_post{vb:raw post.postid}" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top" style="position:relative; top:0px; right:0px; float:none;" >
<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" alt="" />
<dl id="c_thanks_post{vb:raw post.postid}" style="display:none;">
{vb:raw stats}

<vb:if condition="!$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_nocollapse']">

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