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In my Forum on every single post there is a bar, stating "0 Likes".
I don't think that this is intended, because why would you blow up the whole skin an layout to display useless information like 0-Likes, especially when this information is displayed in such an aggresive way and absolutly not needed.

I have no idea where to see the product version, I installed it today, so it has to be the current version...

I also couldn't find a threshold for this option which is funny because you can configure a threshhold for everything, which is really cool but this would be important.

If this not a bug feel free to edit the post, I'm not a software engineer so I don't really know :)

Also I have to say is that this site is really chaotic, it took me ages to find the plugin I want, there are like 9000 Toolbars and Menues, there is suddenly a Poll, then suddenly a slideshow... I'm browsing your store where some items are listed beneath each other but only like 2 or 3 items, bellow this there is a sliding whatever that displays your plugins, but also not all at once.

This is very very frustrating and chaotic...

Hope you can deal with critics, because these are the only ones you guys make a really good job, also it is so great that you offer Lite version for all your plugins!
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In my Forum on every single post there is a bar, stating "0 Likes".
I don't think that this is intended, because why would you blow up the whole skin an layout to display useless information like 0-Likes, especially when this information is displayed in such an aggresive way and absolutly not needed.

I have no idea where to see the product version, I installed it today, so it has to be the current version...

I also couldn't find a threshold for this option which is funny because you can configure a threshhold for everything, which is really cool but this would be important.

If this not a bug feel free to edit the post, I'm not a software engineer so I don't really know :)
It is indeed not a bug, it's a feature :)

You can turn it off via the Display "Total Click Count" On Thanks Bar setting in vBulletin Options for this mod.

What's not needed for you is an essential feature for someone else, we try to avoid assuming what features others might want, which is why we include options to turn off features that some may not like - such as the "0 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 Dislikes" statistics :)

Also I have to say is that this site is really chaotic, it took me ages to find the plugin I want, there are like 9000 Toolbars and Menues, there is suddenly a Poll, then suddenly a slideshow... I'm browsing your store where some items are listed beneath each other but only like 2 or 3 items, bellow this there is a sliding whatever that displays your plugins, but also not all at once.

This is very very frustrating and chaotic...

Hope you can deal with critics, because these are the only ones you guys make a really good job, also it is so great that you offer Lite version for all your plugins!
Thank you for your feedback :)

I'll let our Managing Director, Cosmic answer this once he's around :)
Thanks for your fast response!

I found that option but it only remoces the "0", the rest (Bar & Text) stays the same, look here:
Dji zenmuse gimbal for gopro

currently this option is on "off"

There should be a threshold for this that the bar is only displayed when at least one thank was given, this would be awesome!

Actually it is not the information itself that is not needed. vBulletin uses that Blue Background for titles only, so the way it is displayed is out of concept
vBulletin uses it as a table header, so it's not out of concept :)

You can edit dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries and remove
	<div class="posthead">
		<span class="postdate">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_post_thanks_like}<vb:if condition="$extrainfo"> - {vb:raw extrainfo}</vb:if></span>
if you want to get rid of the whole header bar.
Also I have to say is that this site is really chaotic, it took me ages to find the plugin I want, there are like 9000 Toolbars and Menues, there is suddenly a Poll, then suddenly a slideshow... I'm browsing your store where some items are listed beneath each other but only like 2 or 3 items, bellow this there is a sliding whatever that displays your plugins, but also not all at once.

This is very very frustrating and chaotic...

Hope you can deal with critics, because these are the only ones you guys make a really good job, also it is so great that you offer Lite version for all your plugins!


Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately when there are so many products (we have significantly over 50) some amount of chaos is required. On our store page you can pretty easily set it to show "all products".

It's not possible to show all products at the same time in the slider image while still have them be readable sadly.

If you have any specific ideas/suggestions on how to improve things i'd be happy to consider them though :)

Kind Regards,

Worked perfectly, thanks!
Just uninstall all Plugins and make a demo page for each Plugin, I'm pretty sure most customers are interested in one or two plugins, not all 50 that are installed.

It would be also enough to group the varius elements and hide all the infos that the user doesn't need to see.

Currently from top to bottom:
- Information on some Loyality levels:
I'm pretty sure this is a good thing, I guess I can get some kind of better prices by increasing this points. But as New User I have no idea what these points are or how I can increase them.
The Truth is that as a normal Customer I don't care about those points it just makes me confused because I don't know what to do with this information

- Forum Information
As Forum Admin I see that this is my Forum profile, which is fine because I recognise this, I know what this is and I feel confident about where I am, this is a Forum I with the know functions BUT then suddenly

- an unknown navigationbar appears...
I get that this is the page navigation but why is there a homepage-like navigation when I'm in a Forum? Do the links lead to another DB-Website?

- Then the first caroussel appears, looks nice but I didn't read its contents because it displays some advertising text that is totally unimportant to me. It is generally not a great thing if a company boasts about itself ;) this is just cheap... so I really don't care about the further contents...

-Then suddenly I'm back to another Menue that is used for Forum navigation. Now I'm totally confused, because now I'm back in the forum but if I look further down

- Then again, there is an ad: DragonByte Tech Proudly Hosted By
I mean great, but usually this information is displayed at the Bottom of the page. This is also the place the people look at if they want to know where this website is hosted at. I know that you guys want some clicks on that Link, but I have to watch it everytime I change the page and it is just annoying, because if I won't clicked on it at the first sight, I won't do it on the 100. page I'm visiting.

- Then there is some important information for cPanel/Boxtrapper users. But it doesn't appear really important, it has no specific background, no blue title - nothing that highlights this important information, so I just skip it with my eyes.

-the first window appears that displays some information about this thread, there is countless other information I don't want to know. Seriously who cares about this stuff on THE FIRST HAND?
I understand why you display all this stuff, but if someone comes here he wants to see what the thread is about, after reading the first post those stats are usefull because I can determine if I will find a proper solution or not but first of all I have to know if this thread is really about what I'm looking for.

This Box: "Rate this thread!" has a REALLY bad layout. I mean the Box is displayed right handed, left of it there is just space. I understand why the layout is as it is, but you could display the User Tags the same way, this would result in two side-by-side boxes, which would look really neat if those two would go under the first post

- after long time and scrolling I finally arrive at the information I want to read: the First post of the thread that contains the information I'm looking for

The funny thing is that in the footer there is a windows telling me that this is the "thread information", but then I ask myself what are the windows above the thread? They are also thread information. I would say that those are the real thread information

I have to say the product pages are really good, very clean, but again 2/3 of the page has nothing to do with the product itself:

Did you know that DragonByte Tech offers custom services? We offer custom made mods, skins and customizations for vBulletin
and custom skins for IPB and xenForo.
Click here for info.


Product ListDragonByte Gallery
DragonByte Tech Proudly Hosted By

We have recently been made aware that servers using the "BoxTrapper" anti-spam measure will not receive our emails, because BoxTrapper sends the verification email to a non-existent email address.
In order to ensure you will receive our emails, please add to your BoxTrapper Whitelist as per the documentation before attempting to register to DBTech or purchasing from us.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
- DragonByte Tech Staff

Why do I need this when reading about a product?

I hope this helps if you see how a standart customer sees your website.

The only products installed on DragonByte Technologies - Premium vBulletin Modifications are the ones we need/use for operation of the site. Our full suite of products is installed on DragonByte Technologies - Premium vBulletin Modifications which we use as our demo site :)

Loyalty points: If you click on your loyalty level/loyalty points you will be taken to a page explaining them :)

Unknown Navbar: I think this might just be a difference of opinion here, we feel (and most of the feedback we've received agrees) that this additional navigation area reduces clutter elsewhere and makes it easier to find the most important nav items.

First Carousel: You mentioned earlier about finding it tricky to know what the loyalty points are about for instance - this rotator is there for purposes just like that. It helps to give a bit of explanation to people about features or services we offer they might otherwise miss. It's a good way for us to present information that might get overlooked otherwise without taking up much space.

Hivelocity link: Goo point, we'll look at re-positioning this for registered users. Fillip H.

Boxtrapper info: Another fair point. It stood out more on the last skin, the-danzor and Fillip H. should be able to work something out with that, maybe a pastel red background or deep red text.

Thread info Form: As you point out, this is useful information - for a lot of people having it at the start is especially useful since they can immediately see if it affects the same forum version as them etc and save time before reading the thread. Sadly there isn't really a way to keep those people happy AND the people who only want to read it eventually/sometimes happy. Though now that I say that, being able to collapse that area and have it save your preference might be a possibility, Fillip H.?

Thread Ratings: That box ideally is integrated into the first post area, i'll see if there's a reason that changed - Dylan

Store pages feedback: Those are global areas which are intended to be seen across all pages because the information is important, it comes down to whether or not you feel the information offered is particularly important/relevant I guess here, something of a personal preference :)

Thanks again for taking the time to leave your feedback, a number of your points are very interesting and I hope to act upon some of them.

Kind Regards,

The Hivel stuff has been moved :)

The vBSupport thread information can already be collapsed, you can just use the collapse icon and it will remember this for all thread :)
For thread ratings, you have the option to put it above the thread, at the top of the first post or at the bottom of the first post. It was initially at the top of the first post but the problem is it pushing text/images to the side so I gave the option to put it at the top or bottom. Most people I asked preferred above the post so that's where I set it here.
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vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
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