I think its a brilliant idea, to be able to buy coupons, like 10%, 20% upto max 50% discount coupons.
these can be gained by buying them in the VBshop. you might think it creates spam, and yes, it might, but if you create a system that can reduce twice more credits than gained for those spammers then people would think twice before doing that.
so what do you think ?
edit: of course the price can be very high! like the porn magazine you sell for 25000 Gil lol ! but maybe not that high, these can be for those who are your long time fans, and participate in the forum, so Neo wont have to kill a kitten
I think its a brilliant idea, to be able to buy coupons, like 10%, 20% upto max 50% discount coupons.
these can be gained by buying them in the VBshop. you might think it creates spam, and yes, it might, but if you create a system that can reduce twice more credits than gained for those spammers then people would think twice before doing that.
so what do you think ?
edit: of course the price can be very high! like the porn magazine you sell for 25000 Gil lol ! but maybe not that high, these can be for those who are your long time fans, and participate in the forum, so Neo wont have to kill a kitten