Bug Buy credits with Bank Transfer does not work well

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Buying credits with Bank Transfer does not work good

i setup a bank transfer

then i try to purchase credits

i press "purchase" and the user receive the information

then that's it! there is no confirmation that yes "thank you for purchasing credits, please wait for the admin to release your credits"

there is no "pending payment credits" anywhere, i didn't receive an alert that a user buy credits,

then i got an conversation from a member "hello! i sent the money to your bank account but i didn't receive my credits"

the user sent the money to my bank account, but he didn't receive any credits because i did not know he purchased credits

i looked for an invoice in the admin panel, but there is no invoice, there is nothing

it does not work well

This is a problem with the payment profile, not this mod. I cannot control whether payment profiles circumvent the normal process.
so does paypal work the same way? i dont have paypal account so i cannot try

the user clicks on buy credits and sends the money threw paypal, the admin get the money in his paypal account,

then how can he know someone buy credits if there is no invoice?

in brivium credits, it work well, and invoice appear in the admin panel, and then the admin manually release the credits after he checks if the payment went through

ok is it possible to sell credits in dragonbytes shop? then an invoice can happen in the admin panel

help!! how can sell credits if no invoice in admin panel, how to release credits!

Yes, PayPal and every other payment processor works just fine.

There are no invoices available for buyers, you must create them manually if they are required.
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