I understand that a tech support rep vBulletin has been in touch with Fillip about this bug and it's being worked on.
However, I did want to open a ticket here and get an update, because since we've had to disable the PRO (life license) version of this mod on our site for guests, it's caused a reduction in performance for the last few weeks.
I'll restate the problem here for everyone's benefit.
Attached are screen shots as it looks in both FireFox and Safari. In IE8 under Windows XP, it appears as hollow squares instead of question marks.
It ONLY appears as a problem for unregistered guests not logged in. Everything is fine when someone is logged in.
When I first log out as a registered user to test it, then go to vbCMS home screen as in pics, everything looks fine, because I'm seeing a screen from my local cache that was stored there as a registered member before. If I do a reload or refresh, then the weird characters appear. If I log back in, they go away? What could be the difference between a registered logged in user and a user not logged in, that would cause a character set change?
With the patch provided by you guys and inserted to turn OFF vbOtimize for guests not logged in, it has been working properly, but of course performance has suffered since that's been implemented (see pic), which is why we purchased the mod in the first place.
However, I did want to open a ticket here and get an update, because since we've had to disable the PRO (life license) version of this mod on our site for guests, it's caused a reduction in performance for the last few weeks.
I'll restate the problem here for everyone's benefit.
Attached are screen shots as it looks in both FireFox and Safari. In IE8 under Windows XP, it appears as hollow squares instead of question marks.
It ONLY appears as a problem for unregistered guests not logged in. Everything is fine when someone is logged in.
When I first log out as a registered user to test it, then go to vbCMS home screen as in pics, everything looks fine, because I'm seeing a screen from my local cache that was stored there as a registered member before. If I do a reload or refresh, then the weird characters appear. If I log back in, they go away? What could be the difference between a registered logged in user and a user not logged in, that would cause a character set change?
With the patch provided by you guys and inserted to turn OFF vbOtimize for guests not logged in, it has been working properly, but of course performance has suffered since that's been implemented (see pic), which is why we purchased the mod in the first place.
