Question Can't Purchase Item on Mobile


It looks like I have a similar problem to the following post. I am unable to purchase items on mobile view. On the product page the "Purchase Info" and "Shopping Cart" widget(s) are hidden in a sidenav button on the far upper right of the screen (three dots). How can I make it so these widgets instead show on the bottom of the screen?:

I am using a Themehouse style, and on mobile the "Purchase Information" including the Purchase Button as well as the View Cart and "Purchase Now" button disappears in a hidden three dot sidenav menu.
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Ok, it looks like these elements are hiding behind three dot menu in the upper right corner. Very hard to find for my site users. How can I make these functions more prominent?

Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 4.00.41 PM.webp
It looks like I have a similar problem to the following post. I am unable to purchase items on mobile view. On the product page the "Purchase Info" and "Shopping Cart" widget(s) are hidden in a sidenav button on the far upper right of the screen (three dots). How can I make it so these widgets instead show on the bottom of the screen?:

I am using a Themehouse style, and on mobile the "Purchase Information" including the Purchase Button as well as the View Cart and "Purchase Now" button disappears in a hidden three dot sidenav menu.
The "Cart" widget will appear when clicking the "Categories" hamburger menu here:

There is no way to change that at this time, sorry.
hmmm. this is what prople see when viewing an item on mobile. no “purchase” button? i’ve asked three people to test an no one could figure out how to purchase an item. I found the purchase button in the three dots menu but that is too hidden for my customers. can you help me find content or template of three dots menu so i can make it a flex column for bottom of page?


  • IMG_6406.webp
    33.6 KB · Views: 1
Perhaps I can change the placement attribute for "Item page: Sidebar". Currently when viewing on mobile the "Item page: Sidebar" is moved to the three dot menu. I am trying to make it so when viewing on mobile the entire "Item page: Sidebar" instead remains in the main column, just underneath the item page info.

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