Bug Charge bbcode charging people twice

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I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but I noticed something I wanted to share with you.

If you put something inside a CHARGE bbcode, people pay some dbtech credits to unlock its content. So far it works fine.

But what happens if you decide then to update the content inside the CHARGE bbcode (maybe to fix some grammar mistakes or to add some additional info) what happens is unexpected: people have to pay again to re-unlock it.

I don't think this should occur, and if I understood correctly, the way the script is built right now has some major issues. Assuming I understood it correctly the script simply stores a charge bbcode depending exclusively on the content of it. A potential issue would be having 2 different posts/threads in 2 different sections of the forum, having 2 separate charge bbcodes but with the exactly same content inside. If my theory is right, it will be sufficient to unlock just one of these 2 charged contents in order to automatically unlock the other one, assuming its content is identical, and I don't think it should work this way.

Btw the main reason I reported this bug is that I've had many complaints of people having to pay to unlock the content once again just because the charged content was updated for some reasons, so I'd either suggest to:

• Disable this behaviour, and have the charge bbcode consider content as hidden/shown regardless of its content, but instead assigning maybe a unique ID to each bbcode used? So that when you update the content it'll still be unlocked for those who already unlocked that specific charge id.
• Add an option/checkbox for users to select if they wish to re-hide the content if it gets updated or not. I understand some people might still like the way it works (and under circumnstances it's fine to have it works this way), but I don't think it should be hidden again just for some grammar fixes or things like that, so having a checkbox would allow users to decide how they want the charge bbcode to behave.
This is working as intended. When you use the CHARGE tag, an MD5 hash is generated of the content inside the tag. This is then stored in the database along with the post ID (so no, you can’t buy access to identical content in different posts by paying once).

When a post is edited, all hashes for this post are purged and re-generated.

Any significant changes to the way this works would have to be left for v6.1 Beta 2 or newer, as the focus for Beta 1 will be to replicate existing features, minus changes for common complaints. This is the first time AFAIK we’ve heard this feedback.

In other words: I’m not opposed to trying to find a better system, but I don’t believe either of your solutions would work in practice. As such, I would need more time & mental energy to think of a solution than I can spare while I am as busy and swamped as I will be until Beta 1 of all products have been released :)
Hello @Sbenny,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte Credits has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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