While this issue has been resolved I am going to reply to the various posts in this thread commenting on the modifications problems with vb 4.1.4
At no point do we guarantee compatibility with version 4.1.4 of vBulletin. If you choose to upgrade your vBulletin version then you must also be aware that it may break modifications. If you do not want to deal with potentially broken modifications then you have 4 options:
1) Keep your vBulletin version on the one which has had full-spectrum testing under the product info page.
2) Come to DBTech and ask if there are any known unresolved issues with the newest vB version - if so wait until they are resolved (and they WILL be resolved in time).
3) Test the Lite version first! We 100% recommend customers do this! We even have a refund policy in place where if the Lite version works but Pro does not and we cannot fix it, you will receive a refund. In fact our T&C say, in as clear as possible language "Ensure you test the "Lite" version of the software to verify compatibility". There is also a section which reads:
"The customer agrees they have installed and tested the "Lite" version and have encountered no bugs or issues."
That is one of the terms of use you agreed to when you purchased the license.
Your failure to do this is NOT our fault - we actually told you to do it - you ignored that. We even have a box you need to check verifying you read and agreed to those T&C.
4) Upgrade your vB version and uninstall the modification until all known bugs are sorted.
To put it simply it is not possible for us to plan and predict every change which may happen in vB, and this means it is also not possible for us to ensure our mods will work with the next version of vB. We always update and upgrade our modifications to work with the latest version, but depending on the extent of the changes this can take varying lengths of time.
As it appears some people are choosing to discuss this in a way which tries to assign blame, I will give you quotes from our terms and conditions (which you indicated you read), which make it clear that DragonByte Technologies is not at fault:
Found under Product Info for vBDownloads:
Product Info said:
Available For
vBulletin 4.x (tested on 4.1.1)
vBulletin 3.8.x (tested on 3.8.6)
We try to ensure we make it clear which version of vB the product last underwent full-scale testing on. We also have pre-sales forums allowing customers to ask questions regarding their current version if it does not match.
From our Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions said:
Versions Supported:
Listed vB4.X = Guaranteed to work on the specified version of the vBulletin 4 series. If there are issues with earlier versions DragonByte Technologies Ltd will attempt to resolve them, but this is not guaranteed. This is also not grounds for a refund except as specified below. Ensure you test the "Lite" version of the software to verify compatibility
In this case the version it is guaranteed to work with was clearly noted as v4.1.1 (see above)
Terms and Conditions said:
Refunds can be offered in 2 circumstances:
1) The Lite software works on a version of vBulletin, but the Pro version does not and DragonByte Technologies Ltd will not be able to rectify it.
We make it as clear as possible that customers should first test the Lite version of our mods.
Terms and Conditions said:
In no event shall DragonByte Technologies Ltd be liable for any lost profits, loss of business or for direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, consequential, punitive or special damages caused by any DragonByte Technologies Ltd software or code.
This is just here to show that we make it very clear that we are not responsible for your business, or anything else, on account of our modifications.