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While I agree it sucks it's not working with the latest vB version, at the same time... it worked with the version you bought it for.
I had already upgraded to vb 4.1.4 before i purchased vbdownloads pro and obviously it did not work for me right from start.

Yours (and my) choice to upgrade to vB wasn't DBTech's fault and they shouldn't be held accountable for it
Your statement that it is completely vb's fault is not acceptable by any means. So what do we do - upgrade to latest version of vb after a year of release of it, to ensure it is stable?

vbdownloads pro works on vb and i do understand that, it is impossible to test it immediately after a vb release. But that does not mean, dbtech is not responsible. They are responsible as much as vb is. I also completely understand that there can be conflicts between software, and it takes time to solve them, but how long do i wait? I have customers who are shouting. What do I tell them? - VB is at fault?????? The editor is working everywhere else in the site!!!!

Really, we should of upgraded on a test platform and checked it out first
This is ridiculous. Am i a customer or their QA? Small issues are fine. But this is a showstopper and i am struck. I am unable to upload a single file. I expect some quick responses and updates from devs, but i dont get to see them regularly. I dont have an ETA yet for the fix or a workaround to load an alternate editor till this is fixed.

Now i dont hold vbdownloads pro completely at fault here. But who will bother about my business as i am unable to use the software? Who will answer my customers?
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I had already upgraded to vb 4.1.4 before i purchased vbdownloads pro and obviously it did not work for me right from start.

Your statement that it is completely vb's fault is not acceptable by any means. So what do we do - upgrade to latest version of vb after a year of release of it, to ensure it is stable?

vbdownloads pro works on vb and i do understand that, it is impossible to test it immediately after a vb release. But that does not mean, dbtech is not responsible. They are responsible as much as vb is. I also completely understand that there can be conflicts between software, and it takes time to solve them, but how long do i wait? I have customers who are shouting. What do I tell them? - VB is at fault?????? The editor is working everywhere else in the site!!!!

This is ridiculous. Am i a customer or their QA? Small issues are fine. But this is a showstopper and i am struck. I am unable to upload a single file. I expect some quick responses and updates from devs, but i dont get to see them regularly. I dont have an ETA yet for the fix or a workaround to load an alternate editor till this is fixed.

Now i dont hold vbdownloads pro completely at fault here. But who will bother about my business as i am unable to use the software? Who will answer my customers?

Cosmic will be able to answer your issues when he signs on.
I understand that, engineers are working on this problem, but its been quite a long time and i am unable to upload any file till date from the date of purchase. I really appreciate a quick resolution for this problem or would request a refund. Unfortunately, this is not helping our business.
Could you send me FTP access to your forum?
This is ridiculous. Am i a customer or their QA? Small issues are fine. But this is a showstopper and i am struck. I am unable to upload a single file. I expect some quick responses and updates from devs, but i dont get to see them regularly. I dont have an ETA yet for the fix or a workaround to load an alternate editor till this is fixed.

Now i dont hold vbdownloads pro completely at fault here. But who will bother about my business as i am unable to use the software? Who will answer my customers?

I never said they didn't have an obligation to fix it, I'm saying that YOU have an obligation to YOUR customers to test things before YOU choose implement them. If you fail in that obligation (as you have), you're putting your own obligations on to someone else (DBTech in this case).

Also, I don't say its "vB's fault", there is no fault here at all. They upgraded to something completely different than what they had, and things are going to break. I pretty much placed all "fault" on you, for not testing beforehand and putting something into production.

I really am not trying to argue with you, I'm just saying that you should place blame/expectations in the correct area. The fact that DBTech is even willing to look into the issue on your site after your complaints should show you that they DO in fact support their products and want to make them work for everyone as much as possible.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not affiliated with DBTech at all, I'm just a customer of theirs. My comments are mine alone and not representative of their feelings or whatnot on this, or any issue.
I never said they didn't have an obligation to fix it, I'm saying that YOU have an obligation to YOUR customers to test things before YOU choose implement them. If you fail in that obligation (as you have), you're putting your own obligations on to someone else (DBTech in this case).

Also, I don't say its "vB's fault", there is no fault here at all. They upgraded to something completely different than what they had, and things are going to break. I pretty much placed all "fault" on you, for not testing beforehand and putting something into production.

So indirectly you are saying that, these products dont work out of the box and have not been tested before???? Well you can have your own views that, all customers must test everything that they buy and before they move it to production. Agreed to certain extent, but as a customer I dont expect showstoppers to come up my way and sit on for a week. Well if customers are to be faulted for this, then i wonder what kind of business you are talking about.

Sorry my friend, i dont run hobby sites and have limit to patience in waiting without updates. You may prefer to.

The fact that DBTech is even willing to look into the issue on your site after your complaints should show you that they DO in fact support their products and want to make them work for everyone as much as possible.

I dont deny this. I appreciate their hard work and thats the reason, i am still cooperating.

You dont seem to understand my point here - There is a show stopper issue that is causing a customer not to proceed. Well as a customer i expect updates, visible progress on the issue and if its going to take longer, then a work around or at-least an alternate editor to be loaded to work with. Not all customers are like you who can wait indefinitely for fixes. Am sorry boss!
I was going to reply to each point, but then I realized, there is no point. Logic and personal accountability are missing from the conversation. But I'll just say that yes, I do expect that if you're running a business that you do what you must to safeguard it, such as testing before production, backup/restore functionality and security. If your lively-hood depends on such things, I can't see how you can say "Agreed to certain extent". I really do feel sorry for your customers, I do. As I'm not TRYING to troll this thread (even though it might look like it now. heh), I won't reply again.
Disclaimer: The following post is posted as an individual, and is NOT a representation of any official DragonByte Technologies policies or stances.

So indirectly you are saying that, these products dont work out of the box and have not been tested before????
What about if the product works in 4.1.4 on ~5+ testing environments, but doesn't work on your site? If this was broken in all 4.1.4 installations, then we'd have alerted potential customers to it. However, this is to my knowledge not the case.

That being said, we expect people to try the Lite version before buying Pro, for this very reason. If someone choose not to try a demo version before buying the full version, then they also assume some of the responsibility if it doesn't work with their particular setup.

Your posts in this thread come across as extremely insulting not only towards David, but all developers. Your latest post is also insulting towards Trekkan, who're just trying to make you see things from a developer's point of view. I'd like to ask you (as a human being, not as a staff member) to please be more civil when posting in this thread.

We understand your frustation, and it is David's full-time focus to resolve this issue for you :)
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OK David works Hard to Fix the Issues. Top for this!

But some Buyers have the Feeling to be a Beta-Tester for Addons.

I speak for me and i think i will not give an FTP Acc. or Admin Rights to a Dev. If i buy an Product will i Download and Install it. Not more and not less
If that is your stance, we will respect that, but we will also be unable to provide advanced assistance to you should you have a problem. You agreed to those terms when you purchased the products :)
Well with any modification, forum software, or any other website based software, we are all like testers to a degree, as software runs slightly different on different server configurations. Their is no way to test this out on all configuration types, but the Dev's try to anticipate all issues before the release of the software, based upon what they have learned from fixing issues as they arise withh peoples different server configurations.
I've finally tracked down the problem with this. The updated files are now available in your Customer Area. Apologies for the delay in the update, this was a toughie to fix!
While this issue has been resolved I am going to reply to the various posts in this thread commenting on the modifications problems with vb 4.1.4

At no point do we guarantee compatibility with version 4.1.4 of vBulletin. If you choose to upgrade your vBulletin version then you must also be aware that it may break modifications. If you do not want to deal with potentially broken modifications then you have 4 options:

1) Keep your vBulletin version on the one which has had full-spectrum testing under the product info page.

2) Come to DBTech and ask if there are any known unresolved issues with the newest vB version - if so wait until they are resolved (and they WILL be resolved in time).

3) Test the Lite version first! We 100% recommend customers do this! We even have a refund policy in place where if the Lite version works but Pro does not and we cannot fix it, you will receive a refund. In fact our T&C say, in as clear as possible language "Ensure you test the "Lite" version of the software to verify compatibility". There is also a section which reads:

"The customer agrees they have installed and tested the "Lite" version and have encountered no bugs or issues."

That is one of the terms of use you agreed to when you purchased the license.

Your failure to do this is NOT our fault - we actually told you to do it - you ignored that. We even have a box you need to check verifying you read and agreed to those T&C.

4) Upgrade your vB version and uninstall the modification until all known bugs are sorted.

To put it simply it is not possible for us to plan and predict every change which may happen in vB, and this means it is also not possible for us to ensure our mods will work with the next version of vB. We always update and upgrade our modifications to work with the latest version, but depending on the extent of the changes this can take varying lengths of time.

As it appears some people are choosing to discuss this in a way which tries to assign blame, I will give you quotes from our terms and conditions (which you indicated you read), which make it clear that DragonByte Technologies is not at fault:

Found under Product Info for vBDownloads:

Product Info said:
Available For

vBulletin 4.x (tested on 4.1.1)
vBulletin 3.8.x (tested on 3.8.6)

We try to ensure we make it clear which version of vB the product last underwent full-scale testing on. We also have pre-sales forums allowing customers to ask questions regarding their current version if it does not match.

From our Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions said:
Versions Supported:
Listed vB4.X = Guaranteed to work on the specified version of the vBulletin 4 series. If there are issues with earlier versions DragonByte Technologies Ltd will attempt to resolve them, but this is not guaranteed. This is also not grounds for a refund except as specified below. Ensure you test the "Lite" version of the software to verify compatibility

In this case the version it is guaranteed to work with was clearly noted as v4.1.1 (see above)

Terms and Conditions said:
Refunds can be offered in 2 circumstances:

1) The Lite software works on a version of vBulletin, but the Pro version does not and DragonByte Technologies Ltd will not be able to rectify it.

We make it as clear as possible that customers should first test the Lite version of our mods.

Terms and Conditions said:
In no event shall DragonByte Technologies Ltd be liable for any lost profits, loss of business or for direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, consequential, punitive or special damages caused by any DragonByte Technologies Ltd software or code.

This is just here to show that we make it very clear that we are not responsible for your business, or anything else, on account of our modifications.
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Being tired of being insulted in this forum, this is my last post with dbtech. You can be sure that, i will not reply back to any other replies.

1. First of all thanks to David for finally cracking it. I am yet to check the solution, but i am sure it will work, looking at David's reply on the issue. I wish this was expedited a little to avoid so much of time lapse and unpleasant exchanges.

2. Please see my first thread where i have requested for speedy progress or refund and read there on carefully to judge things on your own. I have never insulted anyone (i myself being a developer and business owner). I have only answered another customer who asked me to wait for a fix till it is found. Well i would like to reiterate that, Trekkan's objective in his site is completely different from that of mine and i have my own urgency ( is 1 week not late???). I cant wait for a showstopper problem to be in fixing state for more than 1 week and still keep smiling saying "I will wait...". If this is wrong, then well... i dont know what to say

3. I have never written to David or support staff or Cosmic or Fillip H. insulting them or even asking for explanation. You may please ponder over a few things and you will understand what i mean:
- When was the issue reported?
- How long was the issue worked on?
- How many updates were given to the customer?
- Was an ETA given?
- What is the progress on the issue?
- Are there are workarounds or alternatives?

4. You guys can always write the disclaimer statement before all your replies, but i cant! obviously

5. All through the thread, Trekkan has also been writing and you people seems to be more offended that, i have replied to him, in a way that you people dont like., rather than focussing on the real problem

Thanks for all your time. I suppose it would have taken lots of time, even to insult a customer and remind him of terms, policies, lite products, waiting time etc...
sniranjan no that was not directed at you, that was directed at lolly who posted in this thread also.

I am sure Cosmic will address the rest of your concerns.
I know this this hard work is, this should also be no attack.

I only wanted to explain like the users could feel.

I also know the work mostly thankless it is.
I only wanted to write to you what one could think so and to you with it animate yourselves to questions whether to her so fantastically would find.
But you are able to do also nothing for it vBulletin always so much changes

I Test the Fix @afternoon or tomorrow.
Being tired of being insulted in this forum, this is my last post with dbtech. You can be sure that, i will not reply back to any other replies.

1. First of all thanks to David for finally cracking it. I am yet to check the solution, but i am sure it will work, looking at David's reply on the issue. I wish this was expedited a little to avoid so much of time lapse and unpleasant exchanges.

2. Please see my first thread where i have requested for speedy progress or refund and read there on carefully to judge things on your own. I have never insulted anyone (i myself being a developer and business owner). I have only answered another customer who asked me to wait for a fix till it is found. Well i would like to reiterate that, Trekkan's objective in his site is completely different from that of mine and i have my own urgency ( is 1 week not late???). I cant wait for a showstopper problem to be in fixing state for more than 1 week and still keep smiling saying "I will wait...". If this is wrong, then well... i dont know what to say

3. I have never written to David or support staff or Cosmic or Fillip H. insulting them or even asking for explanation. You may please ponder over a few things and you will understand what i mean:
- When was the issue reported?
- How long was the issue worked on?
- How many updates were given to the customer?
- Was an ETA given?
- What is the progress on the issue?
- Are there are workarounds or alternatives?

4. You guys can always write the disclaimer statement before all your replies, but i cant! obviously

5. All through the thread, Trekkan has also been writing and you people seems to be more offended that, i have replied to him, in a way that you people dont like., rather than focussing on the real problem

Thanks for all your time. I suppose it would have taken lots of time, even to insult a customer and remind him of terms, policies, lite products, waiting time etc...

1) I can assure you that the process was conducted as quickly as possible - the suggestion we could have done it faster implies we were somehow lazy and THAT is very *very* insulting.

2) As above, your implications that we were not doing our jobs properly, or that we could be doing it faster, are incredibly insulting.

3) As I posted earlier in the thread, things like an ETA are simply not possible when working on debugging issues. It's not as though we can say ok if we do these 5 things we will get the answer! Would that we could!

4) I can assure you the disclaimer I posted is identical to the one you signed that you read - unless the implication is that we are liars?

5) The real problem has been the focus from the start - you have chosen to make replies which suggested that we were being lazy and not fixing the problem fast enough - THAT is what is insulting to us. The issue was being worked on the entire time. I would think that as a developer you would understand that debugging an issue is not something a timeline can be given for, unless you have a system of debugging that allows you to have accurate estimates - if so I would love it if you would share it, it would prevent issues like this in future.

Hopefully you are better able to understand our position now.


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I have a Problem with the new fix.

First Server (Testserver)
Server OS/PHP: Linux
Webserver: Apache
PHP: 5.2.6-1+lenny10
MySQL-Version: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5

vBDownloads works great with Default and Gametime 4.1.4 Style!

Second Server (My Server)
Server OS/PHP: Linux
Webserver: Apache v2.2.16 (cgi-fcgi)
PHP: 5.3.3-7+squeeze1
MySQL-Version: 5.1.49-3

Works not on Default and Gametime Style

An Idea?
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Legacy vBDownloads

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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