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New member
There is no code to show the credits in the postbit_legacy. (which I am using)

Could I have the code to add so the poster's credits are shown in their post?

If what you are asking I'm understanding....

AdminCP -> vBCredits II Deluxe -> Display Manager -> Make sure your Postbit is activated.

Does this help or am I misunderstanding the question.

disclaimer: I do not work with nor am I affiliated with DragonByte. I'm just a sort of helpful busybody.
I just checked, and it is active, but not showing.

Is it because I am usng posbit_legacy?

Is there any code I can insert to place the credits in the posbit_legacy?
If you are using vB4, make sure this appears in postbit_legacy

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}

for vb3, its this instead

Do you have any other addons installed that insert things onto the postbit? It is possible that those are overwriting instead of adding to that hook.
I have

- iTrader
- vbMood
- Point Market System

However, before upgrading vbCredits from a beta it worked. Should I send you a login to my forum for you to check it out?
Your problem is you need to upgrade and enable the vBulletin actionset that came with vBCredits II Deluxe!

Leave it disabled, then import the new product-credits_vbulletin.xml that is in the XML folder from the zip you downloaded for Deluxe.

Afterwards, enable it and your displays will work :) That actionset runs the displays found in standard vbulletin - that is, 4/5ths of the ones currently available, including the postbit :p
Is the actionset part of the installer because I don't see two, and by disabled, do you meant to disable VBCredits?

Figured it out
Last edited:
as of v2.0.0, the actionset for vbulletin has been merged into the main product, as you can now easily delete the default events en masse :)
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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