Bug Database Error

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Try running this manually:
	CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . TABLE_PREFIX  . "dbtech_dbseo_resolvedurl` (
		`resolvedurlid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
		`forumurl` MEDIUMBLOB,
		`seourl` MEDIUMBLOB,
		`urldata` MEDIUMBLOB,
		`format` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
		PRIMARY KEY (`resolvedurlid`)
I fix the problem, but I'm getting another problem statements in now.


I'm doing this;

member profile URL settings: [user_id]/[user_name].html

But different turns.

forumhatti.com/1/pisadam.html supposed to be, so that;



issues and have the same problem in the categories.

Categori: forumhatti.com/edıtor-merkezi.html supposed to be, so that; forumhatti.com/a.html

Topic: forumhatti.com/edıtor-merkezi/1121-forums-help.html supposed to be, so that; forumhatti.com/a.html

Why is that?

Please can you help me.
Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking.

I would recommend changing your URL formats so that they are /member/[user_id]-[user_name].html as having numbers alone in the path may cause issues.
That's most likely due to the Filter Non-Latin Characters setting. Try setting it to "replace", rather than "remove".
As this ticket has not received any further replies, I'll close it.

If you have any other issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket. Thanks!
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