DB Donate

Tom McIntyre

I had DB Donate on my vBulletin site and was very happy with it. It was not quite ready when I moved to XF15. so I went with TH Donate. I have been having problems with it and am planning to move to DB Donate.

Will I be able to import my current donation history? I have a bit over a month's donations that have not registered with the current product because of a problem in the PayPal IPN that I have not been able to debug. All of those are recorded in the donation table of the database and I am hoping to mark the ones that I know are genuine from looking at the PayPal payment records in the account. I am hoping that those and my other history will be able to be imported to your product.

I am currently developing our XF2.1 site with the goal of going live with it later this years.

Your Passover discount prompted me to go ahead with this if it will meet my needs.

I was very happy with the ability to customize the display in the vB product.
You might be able to import the current recorded history, there are importers but they have received limited testing. I would of course fix any problems you reported with the import :)

As for the missing donations, you would be able to manually add them via the donation log.
If I install DB Donate on my XF1.5.18 site now, will there be an upgrade price to move to XF2.1 in a few months?
No, the license is valid for 1.5, 2.0 and 2.1 (though naturally only one version may be in use, excluding test sites) :)
I installed DB Donate at least partially. The front page display takes up more room than we would like to use. I had styled the vBulletin one we had before to make it more compact. Are there any tools besides editing the templates to do something like this display?

If I am having problems with the PayPal processing, can I get some advice here?
