Bug DBSEO too many connections to the DB

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This is not a bug.

Double the amount of allowed connections in MySQL, as DBSEO needs to open 1 additional connection per user due to the way it works.
Hello Dany Ocio Ocio,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Not A Bug.

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Well, maybe its not a bug. But how can i handle dbseo in a forum with 600 users online? Need 1200 DB connections? Its imposible, and vbseo DONT need it
No, you don't need 1200 connections, you need twice as many as are connecting to your forum at any given second.

Try doubling the existing value.
Well, maybe its not a bug. But how can i handle dbseo in a forum with 600 users online? Need 1200 DB connections? Its imposible, and vbseo DONT need it

If you have a forum with 600 simultaneous users per second you would need a large number of connections available, yes. 1,200 connections is not impossible. Even a Windows server (which has more limitations than a Linux server when it comes to MySQL connections) can have 1,200 connections, as long as enough CPU and RAM is available. A "normal" server should be able to handle well in excess of 1,000 simultaneous connections. MySQL is technically capable of 4,294,967,295 simultaneous user connections (depending on version).

By default MySQL is typically set to 100 or 151 max_connections. If your host does not allow you to increase the number of connections you should move host. None of our other customers (some of whom run extremely large forums with hundreds of thousands of members) have been unable to increase the number of connections to the required amount.

If your site has 600 connecting users per second I recommend you use a scalable host, as your site is one of the busiest in the world.
Hi, sorry, i dont understand the hosting support message. The problem is not too many connections at all, the problem is " the slow to process requests which results in a lot of processes to accumulate until finally all resources are drained.
When that happens, your website becomes slow."

Its not hosting problem, i try a lot, and i pay a lot montly
This means your server is not powerful enough to handle the traffic on your forum. DBSEO runs perfectly fine on sites much bigger than yours, without any performance detriment.
I try many servers, including OVH, banahosting, cubenode... Paying 100-130$/montlhy with 6000-7000 visits per day. Seriously?
Unfortunately yes, without them telling us exactly what query is slow, there's little we can do. Their answer contains none of the information we or anyone would need to assist you.
Ok, nevermind, a question; its normal that if i unisntall the plugin from admincp, the file in root directory dbseo.php, is not deleted and continue opening processes? dbseocp folder and files, and folder and files about dbseo in /dbtech/ not deleted too.
That's very normal. You have to manually delete those files and remove the .htaccess entries :)
ok, last question for now. You have a "reversed rules" to redirect DBSEO urls, to vbulletin friendly URLS?
Im very happy with others dbtech products but DBSEO put my forum very very very very very slow.
(Maybe you can look into my forum for a solution?)
Unfortunately we do not have a ready-made rule set to convert DragonByte SEO rules to vBulletin standard rules at this time.

As we have limited resources, it's not a service we can provide at this time.
after Update to 2.0.21 i have the Same error but i think there are a lot of Hacking Attemps
All URL have following code at the end
Skript : h..p://mydomain/forum/threadtitle-168111-post33728188.html?s=/proc/self/environ
Referrer :
Klassenname : DBSEO_Database
Yeah, that will be someone attempting to hack your forum. I recommend filtering their IPs at the firewall level.
Hello Dany Ocio Ocio,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Not A Bug.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
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