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Hi DragonByte Tech Team,

I have 2 questions.

  1. Is there a way to disable the tab All?
  2. When selecting the forums, you have to select every single forum and sub-forums. Is there also the possibility of just the forums categories to choose so that all sub-forums included automatically be selected to show? We have a range of almost 740 forums, and this steadily increasing.

Perhaps there is in the Pro version an appropriate solution for my questions ;)

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At the moment you can't disable the All tab, but we intend to add that in in Version 2. It might be possible to add an option to allow you to pick up the category automatically in the future. How would you like it to work? Select the category and then it checks when a new forum is added?
Our currently employed [YUI] Tabbed Forum Home system works on the principle that will choose one category and all sub-forums and sub-categories will be displayed automatically.
This type of configuration saves a lot of work later if new forums are created.
Is there already a release date for version 2?
Due to several errors in the [YUI] Tabbed Forum Home, we would like to change so as soon as possible to another tab system.

Version 2 is something I'll be working on when my current work schedule is complete, several weeks away as it stands at the moment.

While the setup might take a little extra work, if you are desperate to migrate across, I'd suggest doing so, or at least testing the system out. :)

The flexibility of the system is what makes the extra work, but I've an idea or two on how we might be able to work both systems concurrently into the mod for version 2. If you have any specific suggestions beyond what you've already posted on how you would like it to work, feel free to post them. :)
Hi Mokonzi,

Is there already a date when it should start with version 2?
For me, the following points are important:
a) Disabling Tab All
b) Easy configuration for categories
c) Fast loading time

I'm within the last three weeks of my busy period, hoping I should get some more time to work properly on version 2 around the middle of the month. :)
So slowly I'm going mad with the "YUI Tabbed Forum Home".
Did you possibly already have a version 2 that I can test again?
Have you already started working?

Would love my performance brake "YUI Tabbed Forum Home" get rid of.
Is there already news about my first post?
  1. Is there a way to disable the tab All?
  2. When selecting the forums, you have to select every single forum and sub-forums. Is there also the possibility of just the forums categories to choose so that all sub-forums included automatically be selected to show? We have a range of almost 740 forums, and this steadily increasing.

Best Regards
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