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When a User are Administrator/Moderator and the Option "(Pro) Display Administrator/Moderator" set to yes the hover not display ok. Display the forum User Moderate with very huge empty space between them.


  • ProfileHooverPRO_Error.webp
    48 KB · Views: 1
If you want, until I change the code so that you can select whether or not to include the moderated forums

ACP->Styles & Templates->Style Manager

On your style select Edit Templates

Double Click Dragonbyte-Tech: Profile Hover Templates
Double Click dbtech_ph_profile to open it in the editor

Find this section and delete it
                                    <vb:if condition="$user['ph_is_mod']">
                                    <div class="tr">
                                        <div class="td" style="vertical-align: top;<vb:if condition="$vboptions[dbtech_ph_bg_color]"> background-color: {vb:raw vboptions.dbtech_ph_bg_color};</vb:if>">
                                            {vb:rawphrase dbtech_ph_moderates}:
                                        <div class="td" style="vertical-align: top; width: 10px;<vb:if condition="$vboptions[dbtech_ph_bg_color]"> background-color: {vb:raw vboptions.dbtech_ph_bg_color};</vb:if>">
                                        <div class="td" style="vertical-align: top; width: 100%;<vb:if condition="$vboptions[dbtech_ph_bg_color]"> background-color: {vb:raw vboptions.dbtech_ph_bg_color};</vb:if>">
                                            {vb:raw user.mod_forum_names}
That will let you show the title of Administrator and Moderator without displaying the long list of forums.

I will try and find out why it's putting so many line breaks in there between the forum names.
Thanks Dylan but i will wait until you find out why it's putting so many line breaks in there between the forum names and solve the problem.

Hi again Dylan,

i find something

go to forum(root)\dbtech\profilehover_pro\hooks\ajax_start.php Line 84

you find

$user['mod_forum_names'] .= "[url=" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/forumdisplay.php?forumid=" . $dbt_mod_data['forumid'] . "]" . $dbt_mod_data['title'] . "[/url]\n";
you can change to :

$user['mod_forum_names'] .= "[url=" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/forumdisplay.php?forumid=" . $dbt_mod_data['forumid'] . "]" . $dbt_mod_data['title'] . "[/url] ";
that solve the problem,

the only think now is the width of the hoover, how we can make the hover width smaller ?
Last edited:
I was actually going to change that file from

            $user['mod_forum_names'] .= "[url=" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/forumdisplay.php?forumid=" . $dbt_mod_data['forumid'] . "]" . $dbt_mod_data['title'] . "[/url]\n";

             $user['mod_forum_names'] = $bbcode_parser->do_parse($user['mod_forum_names'], $do_html = true, $do_smilies = true, $do_bbcode = true, $do_imgcode = true, $do_nl2br = true, $cachable = false);

            $user['mod_forum_names'] .= "<a href=\"" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/forumdisplay.php?forumid=" . $dbt_mod_data['forumid'] . "\">" . $dbt_mod_data['title'] . "</a><br />";

            $user['mod_forum_names'] = $bbcode_parser->do_parse($user['mod_forum_names'], $do_html = true, $do_smilies = true, $do_bbcode = true, $do_imgcode = true, $do_nl2br = true, $cachable = false);
That way it's not all on one line. If you want to try that.
Hi again Dylan,

my final changes :

forum(root)\dbtech\profilehover_pro\hooks\ajax_sta rt.php Line 84

    if ($vbulletin->db->num_rows($dbt_mod_query) > 0)
        $user['ph_is_mod'] = true;

        || # Change By SorentoUltimate                                         # ||
        || # Start Additional Code                                             # ||
        $dbt_mod_query_rows_num = $vbulletin->db->num_rows($dbt_mod_query);
        $dbt_mod_query_row_num  = 0;
        || # Change By SorentoUltimate                                         # ||
        || # Finish Additional Code                                            # ||

        while($dbt_mod_data = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($dbt_mod_query))
            || # Change By SorentoUltimate                                                                                                                                                                # ||
            || # Removed Line : $user['mod_forum_names'] .= "[url=" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/forumdisplay.php?forumid=" . $dbt_mod_data['forumid'] . "]" . $dbt_mod_data['title'] . "[/url]\n"; # ||

            || # Change By SorentoUltimate                                         # ||
            || # Start Additional Code                                             # ||
            $dbt_mod_query_row_num = $dbt_mod_query_row_num + 1;
            if ($dbt_mod_query_row_num < $dbt_mod_query_rows_num)
                $user['mod_forum_names'] .= "[url=" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/forumdisplay.php?forumid=" . $dbt_mod_data['forumid'] . "]" . $dbt_mod_data['title'] . "[/url], ";
                $user['mod_forum_names'] .= "[url=" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/forumdisplay.php?forumid=" . $dbt_mod_data['forumid'] . "]" . $dbt_mod_data['title'] . "[/url]";
            || # Change By SorentoUltimate                                         # ||
            || # Finish Additional Code                                            # ||

            $user['mod_forum_names'] = $bbcode_parser->do_parse($user['mod_forum_names'], $do_html = true, $do_smilies = true, $do_bbcode = true, $do_imgcode = true, $do_nl2br = true, $cachable = false);
also i change the template dbtech_ph_profile

                                <td style="vertical-align: top;<if condition="$vboptions[dbtech_ph_bg_color]"> background-color: $vboptions[dbtech_ph_bg_color];</if>">

                                <td width="500px" style="text-align:justify; vertical-align: top;<if condition="$vboptions[dbtech_ph_bg_color]"> background-color: $vboptions[dbtech_ph_bg_color];</if>">
please check it to my forum (users: SorentoGirl or TerraByter) and tell me if you like it.

It looks good for your site :)
The problem with other sites that I could see is if they have mods who only mod one forum the fixed width will be too wide.
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