Implemented Doing a cart entry with a ticket

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While still awaiting a response for my last ticket I was thinking. As this ticket system is directly connected to ecommerce would there be any way for the person assigned to the ticket to create a sale from within the ticket? For example: A customer wants a custom physical item order so I the one assigned to the order could make up a specific order with prices and have the customer agree and pay the amount through the ticket.

I know I could just go into the system and create the product(s) and have them order it normally, but would be fast if it were available through the ticket system.
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This is not currently possible so I’ve moved it to the feature requests section so it won’t get lost :)
Thank you for suggesting this feature, it has now been implemented. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future release (2.3.0b1).

Change log:
Feature: Add a ticket's product to ticket starter's eCommerce order
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DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets

DragonByte eCommerce XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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